As some of you can see we have added a Project Reality Server to our Bf2 family. So with more things for the council to do we are increasing the council. We would like to announce the addition of Daze and Killer SA to join Mystery, Ivan and Jeamen. All will focus on BF2 1.5 and Killer and Jeamen will double for PR things until we get that server up and going full tilt and require more assistance etc. Daze will also be involved with the modding of Bf2 to work with Xenalite and Pongo so the Bf2 council now has direct input and communication to things that happen on their servers.
So please congratulate them both and help them in their new roles. Next up will take a look at COD4 people ,would like a meeting of the minds for ideas and suggestions there. I will catch up with Ynot as well