Hey again, I'm still able to removed the ban at all i could do it all the time i have the abillity, but i was an admin before on this server, i just go retired since that.
I do follow the rules "until now". So please i don't want to be bad person, my brother thinks something diffrent that what I think...
you see how he could remove the ban? i could do, but you can ask players that i was playing fairly. you can't come and ban me cause of someone else!
I don't let anyone use my PC, even my brother. "Hack isn't existing in my PC". and it never had be.
again unban me, because i don't love this service. and as i said before you CAN see my KD/R in the Website. it's not that perfect, go compare my KD/R with my brother's one.
I won't talk anymore, after this i will begind making things. ( NOT THREAT)
I hope you understand.