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How the hell did you manage to get Dr Evil and Satan on video? This is what happens all the time in the Founders room. They rap battle.My name is Nick and I am getting oldgo play some bf3 boy now do as your toldDoyle just laughs and says whatevaJust slow down fool cuz you ain't cleverSatan comes round the corner then he gets shotoh look its that awesome dude Tony , you know YnotDR Evil gets killed then throws a rage quitoh look he got pwned by some Dutch Gitdoesn't matter what you play there's one reason whyit can all get crashed by some dude named Armed Guywe want milk and cookies its time for fetchinyo make us a sandwich where the hell is GretchenBattlefield or COD it don't really matter I must confessas long as your tags say NRNS
yeah I did, I am old school and rap is nothing more than poetry with a beat lol
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