Don't feel like I need and i7 for gaming.
Not touching anything AMD , ever again and as far as ram goes I have a 8GB stick of the same RAM i will slot in. Building one is out of the question as most of my local retailers will charge an arm and a leg for the CPU/GPU alone+the mobo and I am sitting at well over the 1.1K it's at now.
I could ask the retailer to swap out some components for it , however I don't mind paying the extra 100 euros for a 970 over a 960 , as their benchmarks show
What I am mainly interested in, is well, this looks like it can run just about anything coming out, and most stuff scheduled for the future, on the highest settings with a breeze, Considering the extra 8GB of ram I will slot it(Tho new games are all about the GPU nowadays), how accurate am I in that assessment?