Good day,
My ingame name: NUMB IV
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): i don't play BF2
The game i played: Call of Duty MW3
The server i played on: MW3: NRNS #2
The date i was banned: 01/11/2014
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other
Comment on this matter: I'm just a sniper player (killfeeder) on CoD and he [NRNS] Squirrel kicked me because i've do a "triple feed headshot" with barrett so he probably think i use aimbot or things like that.
that's the message when i was banned just want to finish to hit some clips for my 3th episode and this server is probably the lone server where we can killfeed, i don't use any hack or shit like that, i have the demo of the game if you want

thx and please unban me,
Any help much appriciated on my Request