Author Topic: Unban Request for Battlefield 2  (Read 2336 times)

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Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: January 01, 2016, 13:03:36 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: Sum[ting]Wong
My public ip when i was playing:
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:*NRNS*CITY*MAPS #2 RANKED MODDED
The date i was banned: 01/01/2016
Reason i was banned/kicked: Bad language

Comment on this matter: I heard from Walid that the reason given for my Ban was bad language, but im positive this is not the case and if so id like proof of me doing so. The ban is the result of an interaction between pongo loco and myself in private messages, I sent him a message and CC'd a copy to sniperman mystery and oogotz I believe just to be on record, I got a reply that contained swearing and disrespectful wording and reported it, and then upon my reply to pongo was sent a message saying when I get permanent ban, to remember what he said.
I have not been in game since the 30th, and tried to enter today and learned I was banned.
This is almost the worse type of behavior I could have expected from an Admin who is too quick to abuse his abilities. If he cant be professional enough to carry out his position with out reacting by creating false reason to ban players he starts arguments with he shouldn't have the position.
By the way, ... Happy New Year,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2016, 17:47:09 PM »
I gave the ban order after seeing all the evidence of your abuse towards admins and NRNS members.
You are a guest here but you act like a spoiled child asking admins to ban people just because, when your wishes are not met you flood people of PM's trying to prove your views.
The NRNS member trolling stops here and now, I will not allow that, we all give our free time to this community and we all try to do our best.
If a member was elected an admin is because he has the skills and the knowledge to do so, sometimes mistakes are made as we all are humans.
So if you want to continue playing on this community I suggest you calm down and stop trolling any member or any guest alike.
Comments and views are always welcome as admins can not spectate or follow every player at the same time but from trying to help is one thing, trolling admins telling them they do not know how to do their jobs and telling them they abuse their powers is another.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 17:49:01 PM by [NRNS]Ynot »

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2016, 19:14:34 PM »
So im permanently banned  because I sent 1 pm to pongo loco because he kicked me without warning me first?
I have not EVER Flooded anybodys PM's about my views or to tell them to do ANYTHING. The first PM I sent on this Website was the day I got kicked, it was a PM to pongo loco. Who ever is admin for can prove that as FACT.
I don't know what you are talking about when u say you see "all the evidence of me abusing the admins" How can I abuse admins but never be warned or kicked out of the game before!?  My first and only trouble with NRNS is on 29/30th!

Before that, I only had 1 warning because I called another player a name that maybe is offensive, and MYSTERY63 spoke with me on TS3 and said not to say such things again. I agreed and that was never a problem again.. I take screen shots of EVERYTHING.  Why am I punished using only Words and no evidence?  What evidence can you see if I have never been warned b4?  I Never sent a PM to ANYBODY to make them believe me.  I know somebody must be able to see if im telling the truth, can the Admins who say im flooding their PM's give you ONE forward of a PM from me as evidence?? Maybe a copy of a warning to me? Anything to prove THEY are telling the truth?

"when your wishes are not met you flood people of PM's trying to prove your views.
The NRNS member trolling stops here and now,"  <- a lie, so Prove it.
The 1st PM I ever sent on this website was to pongo, total PM's to him =2 ( first PM + 1 reply)
Even I CC a copy to Other NRNS members just for a record of what I said. Because I don't know if he will say something not true, and then ban me. I report both his reply to me, becoz the 1st one is very angry and calls me bullshit and tell me shut up, the 2nd reply he threats me to ban me permanent , so also I report it. 
I did everything the way your rules say to do it. I didn't use bad language in the chat. I think im being a target with unfair or personal reason, not for breaking rules or abuse of any admins.

I just want to have fair treatment.

Im now ban for breaking a rule that is not even on the BF2 RULES for Server Players,
Also for abuse the admins and flooding PM's about something, but have never send a PM to any body b4 I was banned.

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2016, 01:27:16 AM »
First of all I do not have to prove anything, second there are a lot of post about you in sections you do not have access to.

Why instead of replying here on your unban request you created a public thread trying for anyone to view your point?
Pretty sure you did not like most of the comments from members as well from public's.

By the way I have access to anything and everything, chat logs in game, ban lists, warnings lists etc etc.
So when I decide to do an intervention I do not do it just because, I do it because I have seen enough.

I will tell you what is the problem here with an example that you might understand, have you have ever seen a kid pull a fit at the grocery store to his parents wanting something really bad? usually they jump, cry and scream.

Well the parents here are the Admins fed up of the fit the kid is having, and as you guessed the kid is you.

Hope that was clear enough, you might not know me but I am probably the fairest NRNS, now grow up, admit your mistakes and look in the mirror.
Than maybe the ban could be lifted.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 21:16:12 PM by [NRNS]Ynot »

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2016, 17:58:37 PM »
I Made a public post because I was told by many others that the forum was the place to do so, for any BF2 concerns. You know so that it could be viewed publically and given thought. I didn't expect it to be removed for mentioning a taboo subject like why suspecting somebody who dances through maps averaging 50 kills and 4 deaths may be cheating and exploiting your system of proving it in your servers? You have people getting hits on players using sub machine guns on full automatic at 100 meters, all bullets hitting?  Only the ones who don't chat or become friendly with others seem to be caught.  While those who tone it down a notch below "Skynet's AI" are treated like royalty.
It was removed from the forum though.

All I can see from what you said  is that
A: People are talking about me in places not public or restricted to me, behind closed doors I guess.
B: No dispute to my statement that Im innocent of whats been said about me. eg, PM admins trying to make them see my point.
C: That a complete breakdown of protocol has occurred when a player is claimed to have abuse admins, flooded Private Messages, is being talked about in forums he cant access,  but has never been kicked from a game or sent even a simple warning message about any of it.

Then I get kicked for breaking a rule not mentioned in the rules, voice my disappointment about how it was handled, get banned permanently for it and insulted. Told its based on evidence that for all anybody knows could perhaps be something equivalent to badmouthing me behind the scenes for having the guts to at least mention  what others may not be willing to about certain people, and finally as a gesture of good intent, im told to say sorry?

Anyhow, ill not waste your time and do what you and others have suggested .
Sorry for w/e it is im accused of doing.

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2016, 22:23:59 PM »
You are doing it again... it seems that "most" good players at your eyes are hackers just because they have good scores.
It seems that if they are not warned or and admin does not check the player right away you go ballistic.

The non existing rule you are talking about is the most important one: - RESPECT EACH OTHER
That includes respecting admins on their jobs and respecting other players, treating someone a hacker without any evidence is an insult.

BF2 Council please  give Sum[ting]Wong another chance and unban him.

I just hope I made myself clear enough and that I won't have to answer another unban request from you.
Please enjoy and regards.

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 20:38:13 PM »

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2016, 17:42:10 PM »

**************Only Time Will Tell**************

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Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2016, 17:42:23 PM »






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