I've been in contact with DR-Evil and the NRNS council about our points system.
While our original effort to make the game more teamwork oriented via points was noble, it may have gone slightly off the rails.
Nothing was set in stone from the beginning anyway.
So I came up with some amendments to points for pure good ol' kills to balance out the odds in favour of rambo types.
Changes will be applied on Thursday when the server empties a bit. We tested the set up on all maps server and verified that it works.
Here's the new points as follows:
Repair: 7
Ammo: 3
Heal: 3
Revive: 2
Flag capture: 11 (assist 7)
Flag neutralize: 6 (assist 4)
Flag defend: 6
Points per kill as Medic: 2.5
Points per kill as Support: 3
Points per kill as Assault: 5
Points per kill as Engineer: 3
Points per kill as Sniper: 3.5
Points per kill as Spec Ops: 4
Points per kill as Anti Tank: 3.5
Kill assist / driver assist: 75% of your kit's points per kill.
You may still get bonus points on top for killing high value targets such as players with high K/D, commanders and squad leaders.
Bonus points get displayed in the top game chat: PlayerXXX killed enemy player PlayerYYY (+XYZ points)
There are no changes your current stats.
Best regards,