Author Topic: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda  (Read 908 times)

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Hello All

Since i am banned again, cos probably i want people in my team to "work hard" while playing this game i feel like it is the time for posting some ideas:

1- THE COMMANDER, for me is the TOP player in the game, cos he is the one that sees the entire BF, can support the various squads and players and direct them. Constantly i see players becomming cmdrs and dont do their job, like SCANNING & SPOTING, or become idle once they are cmdrs, fly, drive and even get killed and dont respawn again, among other things like miss UAV, miss ARTY and forget about CAR DROP and SUPPLIES.
If BF2 is a team war game there must be some way for putting commanders doing their job... One idea is to fix the commander to the UAV station or SCAN station. If he leaves the spot he will be automatically kicked from commanding... However, this idea will prejudice some good players that like to be commanders and fight also, like Taruz and others...!
Perhaps to avoid this a COMMANDER TOP CHART should be created, that way the best commanders can avoid the fixing position on the stations...

2- ATTACK HELI, during several flights i see people that want to fly with me and i like that, cos first the heli is for 2 players, so in the follow up of the team war game, second i dont like SS, i used to be very good at it but for more than 4 years i started to disliking it and passed over to become just the pilot, and i like very much, to point the heli so that the missile goes straight and smooth, taking the heli "downstairs" so that the gunner can kill better with the gun, or just to divert the infantry missiles, etc... This is more directed to people that want to be gunners:

a) The gunner must try always to spot enemys, even if if they dont see them!

b) The gunner must act accordingly to the target choosing the right weapon to the job and that means:
                   SOFT TARGETS -> GUN
                                       HARD TARGETS -> MISSILE

c) From the several available targets the gunner must kill accordingly to the biggest threat, however that depends also and first of all from the pilot, but the hierarchy is simple and usually is:
                               HELI -> AA -> CAR -> APC -> TANK -> INFANTRy
Try to destroy everything even if there is no one using it... if the infantry doenst have "things" to kill you, it is easier to kill that infantry!

d) The gunner must NEVER jump from the heli without saying... cos the pilot normally is fixed on flying and is waiting for the gunner to shoot. After all the heli is no TAXI CAB unlless the pilot wants!

e) Finally (but there are other rules) the gunner must not fix himself on one of the sides of the heli, The gunner must know that the pilot has a "fixed front view" (of course he can see the sides) and probably has a target for him to kill/destroy right in his front. Remmenber if u kill the target in front of you fast you can have those targets on your side, that you probably have already spoted.

3- MAPS AND SERVERS, before i got my first NRNS ban (the one i can remmenber) i saw the CITY MAPS and AIR ACES MAPS full of people. Nowdays, after i got the unban, i see AIR MAPS allmost empty... that IRRITATES ME! SUPERA, 2F4Y and others are bellow NRNS quality, but for me there is a reason (of course):
In my opinian people are just lazy, and will do what ever they want especially in gaming. People want to see the NRNS maps in that list and see who is playing on them! I think if NRNS maps start to show on those lists the number of players will rise again.

And now i am going to fill the unban request. And do you know why i am going to do that even if i was today banned?

Feel free to comment and give your opinion, please!

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2016, 23:26:36 PM »
So you want to limit everything on the server?

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 23:30:59 PM »
3- MAPS AND SERVERS, before i got my first NRNS ban (the one i can remmenber) i saw the CITY MAPS and AIR ACES MAPS full of people. Nowdays, after i got the unban, i see AIR MAPS allmost empty... that IRRITATES ME! SUPERA, 2F4Y and others are bellow NRNS quality, but for me there is a reason (of course):
In my opinian people are just lazy, and will do what ever they want especially in gaming. People want to see the NRNS maps in that list and see who is playing on them! I think if NRNS maps start to show on those lists the number of players will rise again.

which lists do you mean??? as far as i know we appear on battlelogs lists. we do not appear on bf2hubs list for unknown reasons. pms have been sent to hub with no replys back.

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2016, 00:09:19 AM »
Thats it!

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2016, 01:44:21 AM »
Ive read your unban request and this post mate. About your unban, probably is autoadmin who banned you for bad language not human admin, autoadmin dont know if the bad language is justified or not, hehehehe certainly sometimes is well deserved.
Dont get mad to the point to use bad language ingame chat, even if it would be allowed ... insult people not able to follow basic game principles is not very effective to change their behaviour.

Join us on TS while playing, you could ask for admins help on those cases commander is idle, not doing their job or people being toxic for amusement in our server.

Thanks for feedback and ideas to fix the issues with commander. Im agreed how annoying is to have a commander doing nothing or using it to benefit themselfs instead of their team. Personally the easyest and simple way to fix it, make a rule to demand commander to do his job (or try it) supporting their team not himself , then admins could kick them if they are not using the assets properly.

I like and respect your "Chopper pilot guide", I have seen in the past and still remember how good you are as pilot , I also would like to see a post with tips from you about how to control the chopper at low flying.

I dont know if you remember me but i used to be killed really often by you or your gunner. I killed you few times but i recorded one of them :), the most lucky shot i did against any chopper , glad to see you here to show the video xD hehehehe

You called me hacker hehe but no harm, i want to try it again. Hope to see you in servers and TS :)

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2016, 02:03:14 AM »
Ive read your unban request and this post mate. About your unban, probably is autoadmin who banned you for bad language not human admin, autoadmin dont know if the bad language is justified or not, hehehehe certainly sometimes is well deserved.
Dont get mad to the point to use bad language ingame chat, even if it would be allowed ... insult people not able to follow basic game principles is not very effective to change their behaviour.

Join us on TS while playing, you could ask for admins help on those cases commander is idle, not doing their job or people being toxic for amusement in our server.

Thanks for feedback and ideas to fix the issues with commander. Im agreed how annoying is to have a commander doing nothing or using it to benefit themselfs instead of their team. Personally the easyest and simple way to fix it, make a rule to demand commander to do his job (or try it) supporting their team not himself , then admins could kick them if they are not using the assets properly.

I like and respect your "Chopper pilot guide", I have seen in the past and still remember how good you are as pilot , I also would like to see a post with tips from you about how to control the chopper at low flying.

I dont know if you remember me but i used to be killed really often by you or your gunner. I killed you few times but i recorded one of them :), the most lucky shot i did against any chopper , glad to see you here to show the video xD hehehehe

You called me hacker hehe but no harm, i want to try it again. Hope to see you in servers and TS :)

Hacker !
   Thank You Loco For Your Help. :D

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2016, 12:52:33 PM »
Your idea is such so creative and sense.for me your in and got a luck for the next put this game into the highest level.I hope you would be an
Nban and play hard.same feeling what I have too when I'm in your shoes too.lazy soldiers are playing only for fun. Good luck may the force be with you.Helo is my expertise.....

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Re: Ideas for Commander, Attack Heli and Maps/Servers, By Bujarda
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2016, 14:06:39 PM »

It is the first time i see a video with me... and getting killed by a sniper shoot in the heli    5*    :D

"Deves andar a fazer aimbot", means more or less, "you must be using aimbot"... of course i know you are no hacker i was joking with you at that time and i have you guys from the NRNS team in high regards for all what you have done to the game!

I have to check the TS, me and Taruz have been talking about that...

The part of getting mad... that is more dificult to me, but you are completely right!

Que_me_pongo_loco    Eu Sou Latino tal como tu és! ;) já corri Espanha toda excepto País Basco, Canárias e Baleares! Largadas de São Fermin \m/

The ideas for the commander part was not to limit the game... but perhaps they will, i really do not know... i think that a good commander will put the team working towards the objective, that is to win, and at least turnning the game even faster, but i also want new players experience the thrill of commanding 31 other players in battle... it is dificult!

The heli lines are for those gunners that want to fly and kill, to raise the kill/death ratio ;) because it is not about dying in BF2 (for that my crashes are my worst enemy) it is cos sometimes one gets frustated with targets all over the place and no kill by the gunner.

About flying the heli... practice, knowing BF2 attack heli physics and more practice. I can say that i use keys and i have several in my pc all busted up. From my experience i can not do the same things if i use mouse. My advice is go for the single player option and try to road kill or ram bots with and do not forget to practice rockets... one volley of rockets hitting a target or "openning a gap" is beatifull. I especially apreciate the 150 or 200 meters missile range in city maps... it allows pilots to fly, and infantry to battle, although i think there are other things that deserve some consideration but for another post...

Dr Evil has told that bf2hub is not "accepting" NRNS... that is very bad!!! My question is did they tell you guys the reason for it? Cos i know for a fact that several players do not like very much city maps but rather air aces and usually that server is "letargic".

Enfim... gostos não se discutem mas opiniões debatem-se! +- Can not argue with tastes but opinions can be debated!

Best regards.







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