Well my appointment went okay the doctor said i have ganglion cyst
which were polboly caused du to my injury i had with my bike wreck
he said what happens is whena joint gets injured or weakoned it causes a erupture in your join fluids and caused those 2 tumors to pop up which were filled witht hat fluid
so he said 2 ways to remove it 1 with a needle or cut them out which i would of had to of went to see a surgon for ,
so he said this may cure it may not have to wait and see could cure for few monthes years or not he said if its gonna work the big one should go down in a couple of days so
he drained the big one about half way and replaced the fluid with some sort of white insulin cant remember the name lol he said the small one he was scared to try to go after so im on medication ibuprofen for 10 days should dissolve it since its so small
little sore still but hopefully can starts getting back to myold right hand soon