Author Topic: For Honor free @UBI until 28/8  (Read 485 times)

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Re: For Honor free @UBI until 28/8
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2019, 22:46:38 PM »
Thanks! :) But also lol @ Ubisoft...:

Ubisoft: Here gamers, have this free game.
Gamers: WOW! Thanks!
->Add to cart.
->Proceed to checkout.
Ubisoft: That will be $40 please.
Ubisoft: /trollface.

I couldn't find any way to claim this giveaway through the website (they were happy to let me purchase it though). Had to claim it through the uplay client.
For Honor free @UBI until 28/8
I am very open to suggestion. If you see an error or room for improvement or just have a comment or query please get in touch with me via forum PM, email, or Discord.

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Re: For Honor free @UBI until 28/8
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2019, 13:23:46 PM »
Damn intern!






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