Hey guys,
I had something weird happen to me and decided to share it in case someone lives the same situation.
A few days ago I noticed my desktop was running really slow checked task-manager and my hard drive was running continuously at 100%.
After some digging and troubleshooting I found out steam was the culprit, checked the web, forums videos etc and none of the solutions out there worked for me.
So I found my own... Steam was trying to update Rust and for some reason was failing and stopping but not cleaning any hang process causing hdd to go nuts.
If it happens to any of you, check wish game steam is trying to update, close steam, and trust me give it time to close and end task any process related to steam, go to steam games folder, find the game folder in problem, rename the folder and cut and past it somewhere else on your disk.
Restart steam and let it update install the game again, all these steps resolved my issues and should resolve yours. Keep the backup for some time in case you need profiles or mods from the backup folder.
Have fun !!