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Messages - dfgamer

Pages: 1
Battlefield 3 / BF3 NRNS Firestorm sever. Hacker
« on: August 27, 2016, 15:50:48 PM »
Hello ppl whts up :)
Today i plyed jet 1v1 with a guys who was hacking.his name was DZAIR16.
after 1 fight he told me old name which was GAZ-_dz- .
and i said please stop hack thn.
he said dont tel anyone.

Actually i have done many DF with this guy and i know how he plays.today his style was different very fast and sharp.

I request admin  to see chat log for server BF3 ##### NRNS 24/7 FIrestom Server. and ban him. and if possible can you give me log so i can post it on zlo forum.

Pages: 1





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