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Messages - mDaWg

Pages: 1
Battlefield 2 / Re: MORE THAN 100 PLAYERS ONLINE TODAY ¡¡
« on: October 08, 2016, 20:25:12 PM »
Sometimes when you have a 40hr a week job plus spend 80hours on a project like this, there is just barely any time to openly communicate with anyone outside of a small box that is focused on the specific task at hand.

On the other hand, I didn't take a screenshot but I did see both NRNS, both Super@ and both Battlelog EU servers all full just under an hour ago :) All 6 still going strong now as well.

Battlefield 2 / Re: MORE THAN 100 PLAYERS ONLINE TODAY ¡¡
« on: October 07, 2016, 17:24:24 PM »
magic thank you for the info. makes more sence now.

Figured I'd drop by and post this in case you weren't necessarily paying attention to the list today:


Of course they are bouncing around between 50-64 given the turnover rate, but we're still an hour and a half away from peak time on a friday too, with sat/sun likely being twice as busy. Even the Lost-Soldiers single map servers are getting some attention these days.

I do apologize that during the week the extra servers can affect player counts, but as I mentioned I want to be sure we are both providing enough slots at peak times for all the players in every region to enjoy and are giving the community what they ask for. Its not the end of the world if one or some of the servers are slightly dead on our less popular days. It's entirely possible that there just aren't as many dedicated infantry players online during the week as there are vehicle players either, and that they had been going there because they were running low on options for their region. Over the past month or two since we shut it down, there has been a few heated threads demanding we bring back the EU 2 no rules server. I mostly ignored up until this last week, but with the influx I want to try to make everyone happy. I feel having the NRNS EU inf server and a 2nd vehicle server from battlelog does that, while also still providing the traditional NRNS Modded private ranking server to dedicated fans as usual. When we had tried to replace the EU 2 server with an NRNS vehicle server, players had just complained that they were not fond of the rules and didn't want to play there, still demanding we bring back EU2 (as if they have any right to demand such a thing :P ). NRNS Inf works out well though, as there are minimal rules to enforce that more players will collectively be willing to agree on.

As I mentioned earlier, if we see the player counts start dropping immensely on the weekends to where we are only seeing 600-700 again with many empty ranked servers, we'll go back to only having 1 EU server. 

Battlefield 2 / Re: MORE THAN 100 PLAYERS ONLINE TODAY ¡¡
« on: October 06, 2016, 16:23:26 PM »
The EU 2 server was brought up in response to the 1000+ player counts we've been seeing since the 2142 release. Due to our increase, donations have tripled and therefore we've upgraded all game servers to dedicated boxes. The plan for the future is to remove all the VMs and run everything dedicated while we can afford it. My hope is that it will die down a little bit in the coming weeks and I can shut down the original EU 1 server and move permanently to EU 2.

Lets wait for the weekend to go by first though, as I'm predicting both of them plus both of your servers will fill up. As long as this happening, I would rather not be turning on/off servers during the week but be prepared for the weekend instead. There is alot going on at the moment, especially with 2142 stats (they were never and still are not finished, unlike BF2). and the gameservers are currently on the backburner until these issues are ironed out.

Battlefield 2 / Re: MORE THAN 100 PLAYERS ONLINE TODAY ¡¡
« on: October 05, 2016, 22:46:38 PM »
Then I have realized probably nobody 1 month ago would thought servers will be full again. Dont you ?

I did, and I knew it all along. I told you we knew what we were doing, you just needed to give it some time. Good things come with change implemented over time, even if you can't always see the bigger picture up front :)

Really the release of 2142 has boosted BF2 numbers quite a bit... We knew this would happen, especially if it ended up getting the type of attention it did (which again I was pretty confident it would). We needed to not look like a piece of a shit and be presentable by the time this happened, which took quite a long time to clean up the mess we had been given. 2142 also took about 6 months of development to finish up. The entire summer was spent working hours or end daily to make September 23rd happen.

Battlefield 2 / Re: Server LIsting
« on: May 07, 2016, 21:15:18 PM »
bumping for necessary server reboot.

our master server got attacked by DDoS and was taken down. We had to move it for better protection, so it now has a new IP. If you have any static hostnames set to our old IP, remove them and let DNS take care of it, as we're going to likely be rewriting and moving it soon.

Hope you guys are around and can get back up before the busy rush tomorrow.

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