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Messages - Brothanigus

Pages: 1
Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 16:35:51 PM »
Thanks you very much for unbanning me.
Thank you, thank you,thanks you, thank you.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 16:10:30 PM »

Hmmm our auto admins are picking up every bad word and warn you first

Again, not warned about swearing, I would have not done that if I was warned. No in game message in the chatbox, NOTHING.

Instead I get a message that I was kicked due to excessive teamkilling or unanimous votekick.

Can I please be unbanned.
It really is sad that I get banned for swearing and have to go through this HUGE hassle to just get unbanned...FOR SWEARING.
If you unban me I won't swear again, but it 2016 swearing is common place. You are the ONLY SERVER In Existence to ban people for swearing as well as getting this upset over it.

Again, I was not warned to not swear, if I was told or it was showing to me in the chat box upon joining the game I would have ceased swearing.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 16:04:02 PM »
no we have kids too , and did you read what reply Electro , can you read correctly what is whrite in chat game ,
your chatgame  : what the fu. .is with that and second i fu.... hate this game !!!!!

its not you , , and the #bullshit#  in 3 different posts its not you too ?

I did read what Electro wrote, and your english is very bad so I ain't goina make sense of it.
If I'm unbanned, I won't swear again.
Electro said I was warned about the swearing, yet I wasn't. No in game messages, the pop up box that told me I was banned for excessive teamkilling, not swearing.
Can I please be unbanned.
And all this, for swearing? LOL pathetic.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 15:50:42 PM »
hi , just a question ?     its not your name or one other use your name in game and use bad words ?

Brothanigus is my name, but agian, I was NEVER told that swearing got me kicked/will get me banned.
Not once.
Anyway, this is the ONLY server i have EVERY played that bans someone for the trivial action of swearing. I assume everyone who plays on your server is an adult, yes?

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 15:35:49 PM »
I had no warnings, about bad language, NONE. If I was given warnings I would have not use curse words.
Two, why would your ban it tell me I'm banned for teamkilling yet you are saying it's because of swearing?
And banning someone for swearing, really?

So can you unban me please?

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 15:35:13 PM »

Autoadmin and admins gave you some warnings & kicks  and finally you got banned for using bad language.

I had no warnings, about bad language, NONE. If I was given warnings I would have not use curse words.
Two, why would your ban it tell me I'm banned for teamkilling yet you are saying it's because of swearing?
And banning someone for swearing, really?

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 14:49:18 PM »
Edit: I forgot to say that I was banned for excessive teamkilling, yet I never did that.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 25, 2016, 14:35:34 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: Brothanigus
My public ip when i was playing:
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:*NRNS*CITY*MAPS RANKED MODDED
The date i was banned: 25/2/2016
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter: These are the steps leading toward my ban

Join server and played for 10 minutes before I TYPED
" Do pistol bullets actually do damage?" because I emptied a magazine into someone and he didn't die.
BAM, kicked.
I joined again, played for 5 minutes then typed,
"How do you guys kill anything, my bullets aren't hitting a thing."
BAM, kicked a second time which was the ban.

Can I please be unbanned? Why would you ban ANYONE for typing something is completely ludicrous.,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

General Discussion / CAN I GET UNBANNED PLEASE??
« on: February 25, 2016, 14:18:51 PM »
So I just found out bf2 is still played.


I type ONE thing, BAM, kicked for teamkilling(though I NEVER teamkilled)
Join again, type ANOTHER SENTIENCE and yet ANOTHER KICK leading into a ban because of excessive teamkilling.
Can I be unbanned please? My username is Brothanigus. What else do I need to give you guys to unban me, this is complete and udder bullshi*.

Can I please get help?
I have seen mod after mod look at each one of my topics about this and NONE have bothered to help me.
Can I get  unbanned please? Why would you guys ban someone for typing sentences?

Battlefield 2 / Banned for no reason.
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:42:53 PM »
So I just found out bf2 is still played.


I type ONE thing, BAM, kicked for teamkilling(though I NEVER teamkilled)
Join again, type ANOTHER SENTIENCE and yet ANOTHER KICK leading into a ban because of excessive teamkilling.
Can I be unbanned please? My username is Brothanigus. What else do I need to give you guys to unban me, this is complete and udder bullshi*.

Can I please get help?

Technical Support - Games / Banned for no reason.
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:42:16 PM »
So I just found out bf2 is still played.


I type ONE thing, BAM, kicked for teamkilling(though I NEVER teamkilled)
Join again, type ANOTHER SENTIENCE and yet ANOTHER KICK leading into a ban because of excessive teamkilling.
Can I be unbanned please? My username is Brothanigus. What else do I need to give you guys to unban me, this is complete and udder bullshi*.

Can I please get help?

Pages: 1





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