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Messages - filhode31putas

Pages: 1
done. my new account is pirucaspsempre just in case you need to know. and thanks.

Ohhh... I didn't know that, this name is due to a Joke from a YouTube video in my country, but it's ok I'll do it... is it possible to change my bf2 name? If it is tell me how please.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: July 29, 2015, 19:59:32 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: filhode31putas
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests):
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NRNS*CITY*MAPS**
The date i was banned: 29/07/2015
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter: Hi there. I would like to ask for a unban because I think you got me wrong. When the round started I applied as commander, but as my rank is too I didn't have much hopes of becoming it so I went to the chopper. While I was driving the chopper, the message to confirm as commander appeared and I accepted. As I was in the chopper I landed (because I know I can't drive and command), I think it was a bad land even though the chopper was still drivable. As I concluded the landing I bailed from the chopper. I walked a few steps, and then I got banned... Pls unban me, I didn't really do this on purpose and I really like your servers.,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

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