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Messages - Brainfree

Pages: 1
Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 3
« on: March 17, 2015, 20:14:56 PM »
Thank you! Sorry about the swearing, it's usually when I keep getting naded.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 3
« on: March 17, 2015, 19:51:57 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: Brainfree0
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests):
The game i played: Battlefield 3
The server i played on: US 1
The date i was banned: 3/17/2015
Reason i was banned/kicked: Cheating/hacking

Comment on this matter: Hello,

I believe I'm a well known member on your server, with over 100 hours played, and ranked number 7 on your server. Maybe some members can vouch for me? It's rather odd how I was banned,. I was going to report 3 glitchers in the metro roof, but instantly as I type '!voteban' I was kicked for "Cheating". If it's of any use, I was playing at my college,, in which I'm not to sure if the IP is dynamic, but I usually play at my home.  No one accused me, but I can get how people think the m14a3 with nearly 0 recoil with rock aim resembles hacking xD. This is truly mt favorite server, and basically my only one. I really hope this can get resolved. If you can, can you provide the reasons why I was banned, besides just "Cheating".,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Pages: 1





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