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Messages - freefunnme

Pages: 1
Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 23, 2015, 19:26:06 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: god_of_BLEEEEP
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): 55b23580d4e35a0d0adc0cbdf6cf94d4
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NRNS*CITY*MAPS**
The date i was banned: 11/2/2014
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter:  NRNS server with all those rules looked like a serious server with serious people... but seems like you are not serious at all,baning players for no reaosns like me means you are not that serious as u pretend to be...Anyway i have a serious question,if players that get baned for no reaosns like i have, who gets unbaned in this server?? the ones that hack or cheat ? couse it makes no sens :/  whats the point of "unban reuqest" if noone gets unbaned once its baned ?? or just to wast the time of ppl , seriously why? im so comfused . i did not hack or anything,  i dont get a 2nd chance :/ BUT who gets the a 2nd chance from "serious" ppl like you  ?,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 19, 2015, 15:52:45 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: gog_of_BLEEEEP
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): 55b23580d4e35a0d0adc0cbdf6cf94d4
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: I Cannot Remember?
The date i was banned: dont remeber
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter: Hello its me again...if for bad language ppl dont get unbaned in nrns servers and i said sorry anyway but...this time i got a request for unban from one of your servers that i got baned for abuslutly nothing...but first i wanted to ask you if in NRNS servers is allowed free speech but without offending anyone ? seriously,maby im not aware thats why im asking the competent which is you...So i got baned in City Maps for bad name...changed it to a normal name and joyned Nrns-games.com EU1...and then ppl were chating about how many rules NRNS has and i had my opimion too,said that "yes it has to many rules" which was bad in my opinion BUT NOT in eny of my sentences did offend anyone just said my opinion in a civilized way ... but one of your admins got mad :/ told me to shut up or something and that he would ban me...and then exaxtly what i said was"im saying my opinion without offending enyone , what im doing wrong !?"and then ban :/... so if i did not break any rules but it was an admin"mistake",can i get unbaned it that server at least ? thank you , bye,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 14, 2015, 16:00:03 PM »
using many names is against ur rules ? well did not know that and will not do it again i pormese... but  to let you know after was kicked for offesive name i did not use any offensive names after, all my other names were normal like god_of_BLEEEEP ... but like i said i will not break any of ur rules again and will just use one name a normal one can u plz unban me now ?  (sorry for my bad english)

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 13, 2015, 17:48:43 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: god_of_BLEEEEP
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): 55b23580d4e35a0d0adc0cbdf6cf94d4
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NRNS*CITY*MAPS**
The date i was banned: dont remeber
Reason i was banned/kicked: Bad language

Comment on this matter: Hello , first off all i was kicked for "offensive" name , then when i logged other times i was baned for no reaons at all ...,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Pages: 1





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