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Messages - [NRNS]Bison

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Wall of Fame or Shame / Re: when NRNS members a bug in game
« on: May 08, 2015, 11:00:29 AM »
anyway, when I see .... I kill

General Discussion / Re: Long Live The KING
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:53:11 AM »
Hiiiiiiiiii    Hiiiiiiiiiiiii


General Discussion / Re: NEVER GIVE UP
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:29:17 AM »

General Discussion / Re: NEVER GIVE UP
« on: May 07, 2015, 08:02:23 AM »
It's Beautiful Mika

There comes a point in our lives where there is nothing left to do, we want to give up, give up, drop everything. This is the time when we must stop "dreaming" when you have to face the facts and to finally be serious.
Sometimes the moment comes before that one is tempted to start anything. Sometimes it happens just before reaching the objective for which we had put so much effort and so many hours of dedicated work. But unfortunately the sense of failure is beautiful and there, deep carpet of ourselves and there is nothing to do. We must let go.
The chances of mastering a discipline immediately and to be recognized for what we do in a short time are almost nonexistent. Everything takes time, allow you to take this time to make mistakes and learn to appreciate them. "Rome was not made in a day" Manzoli. And you will not be up in a day either.
Find yourself a job 9h to 18h whether and evening after, instead of before you install DESPERATE 'HOUSEWIVES, EXPERTS facebook or after you have taken care of your children and / or your significant other, you put in work between 21h and midnight to bring you a little more of your goal. 2 hours or 3 hours of intensive work worth as much as 8 to the back and forth between work, Facebook and mobile phone. So BEAT YOU!
You are stronger than you think. Do not let a small obstacle stand between you and your dream or goal. There is 1, 10, 100 or 1000, you have all the necessary resources to overcome them. So BEAT YOU!
For the generation 80, Michael Jordan is the best basketball player without contest of all time. But what is less known is that he missed more than 9000 tires in his career, lost more than 300 matches, missed 26 tires last second that could save his team, yet he attribute his extraordinary success at all these failures.
"If you try to succeed, there will be barriers in your way. I've had; everyone has. But the obstacles should not stop you. If you take a wall, do not turn around and give up. Find a way to climb it, go through or around the "-Michael Jordan
There will always be people to disparage you, talking behind your back, try to get you or persuade you that you have nothing to do there, so that you do not know from Adam or Eve. Do not pay any attention to them and do not take to heart what they say or what you hear. Let the hate you and you continue to believe in yourself and your dreams. BEAT YOU!
You also deserve to be happy, successful and move forward in life with the satisfaction of having the life you dreamed of a few years before. Never let anyone, I mean NOBODY, which included also the people who will tell you with friendship, true love or it would be better you drop and forget your dream. Be an example of perseverance. Inspire people around you to be fighting by refusing to abandon yourself to the difficulty and adversity. As long as your desire to succeed is unwavering, failure will never have because of you. Remember to Nelson Mandela who spent 25 years in prison because he refused to abandon his people of South Africa. BEAT YOU! And deserve your happiness.
The big difference between those who succeed their endeavors and those who fail is 99% certain that failure is not an option. Rapper 50 Cent says "Get Rich or die trying", which I would summarize and paraphrase by "succeed or die trying." No matter what happens to you, just how many times you fall. never give up. BEAT YOU!
Often when you feel you're going to want to give up and that's when you're most ready for a big change. Seth Godin wrote a wonderful book called "THE DIP". This book teaches that every time we give up, we are in the DIP, a stadium just before success, just before the assembled. Those who have the courage and strength of character to keep fighting and never give up manage to pass this terrible cape cape this terrible storm, and their ultimate reward for persevering and held out is to enjoy and savor their success. So BEAT YOU!

When in your life, nothing goes, the problems
torment your mind and that money causes you so much trouble ...

Rest if you must,
But do not give up.

When too many mistakes were made,
that thy whole universe threatens to collapse and tired,
you feel the confidence to leave you ...

Rest if you must,
But do not give up.

You know, life is sometimes strange,
with its share of surprises and unexpected,
it is not given to us to know in advance
how many steps we will have to cross or
how many obstacles we have to overcome
before reaching happiness and success.
How many people have unfortunately stopped fighting
while it might have taken a small step
to transform failure into success.

And yet, one step at a time is never too difficult.
So you must have the courage and the tenacity required
to make this small step further by claiming that life
is a great power friend who is always at your side,
ready to bring you relief.

You will see then that this attitude will call,
from deep within yourself, life forces
you never knew and that will help you
to carry wherever you go.

But first and foremost, remember well,
When in your life, hard times will come ...

Rest if you must,
But do not give up.

 When the road is filled with obstacles
and you do not expect any miracles
it is allowed to stop you
but not to give up.

When you successfully flees
and doubt invades you
maybe in your blind
you're all close.

This is when you have tried everything
that we must not give up.

The Funny Board / Re: oldman, teleman and oogotz
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:45:08 AM »
nice  ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Intru
« on: April 21, 2015, 16:01:36 PM »

Appearances / Re: Happy Birthday [NRNS]Klopps
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:31:57 AM »
Happy Birthday Kloops

Appearances / Re: Happy Birthday [NRNS]Seferin94
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:49:22 AM »
Bon anniversaire  ;)

happy b-day

welcome  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Which Keyboard for the game ?
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:33:30 AM »
Now i have keyboard Mad Catz - Cyborg V7

General Discussion / Which Keyboard for the game ?
« on: March 13, 2015, 17:35:03 PM »
currently like keyboard "Logitech G110", I'll change, but before doing so, I ask you your opinion.
 Certainly among you multiple keyboards are used.
So my question is what do you booked keyboard "solely" for the game, you will advise.
I should have clear, I prefer a wired keyboard (wired), sorry


Welcome integry8  :)

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Re: Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:30:51 AM »
this is a mistake, apologize

 ;) Welcome

Welcome  ;)

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