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Topics - Bandit_Mother

Pages: 1
Report a Cheater / MadHatter
« on: May 23, 2016, 18:43:28 PM »
Had enough of this guy now...

Constantly teamkills me when he's on my team and just now been killing me in the safe base.

Couple of clips:


He used to go by the name of poopypants or something....

More vids to follow no doubt!

Cheers guys

Report a Cheater / OTTOMANPOWER and bekir
« on: May 18, 2016, 21:04:39 PM »
Hi chaps,

No idea how to make a video... but OTTOMANPOWER and bekir were on airaces tonight around 9pm UK time. Both were using a hack and would be able to find you and drop a bomb on your head or shoot you with the plane with 100% accuracy within about 15 seconds of them taking off, no matter where you were. Only about 6 of us on there at the time, no commanders & a big map.

Amazingly, they were having a full on coversation with each other whilst seemingly flying their planes and bombing me without any interruption.....

Never seen anything like it!

Just so you know :)

Pages: 1





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