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Topics - DiscoMoose

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Warning: Sensitive subject. I might offend.
« on: June 01, 2015, 20:21:55 PM »
Lets talk about the widely spread use of the word 'rape' in gamer lingo.

Yes, 90% of gamers use it. And yes, for most of those who use it, it has nothing to do with violent sexual assault.
It is merely a gamer term to be taken lightly. As far as jokes go, everything is fair game right?
This means we can joke about slavery, the holocaust, mass genocide, mental retardation, physical disability, farm murders, and rape. Right?
We all laugh, because it is easier to become desensitized to the horrors of this world.

Whenever I mention my distaste for the word 'rape' in the gamer world, I am met with remarks like 'oh now we know what happened to you' etc etc.
People assume that I have a problem with it because it has happened to me or because I know somebody it has happened to. This is not the case. I merely think that it is not a nice term to carelessly fling around in an environment where underage people and women play. I always call players out on their use of the word rape and derivatives thereof (butt raped etc) because it is a term that I would like to see dead in the gamer world.  It just perpetuates the perception that gamers are delinquent teenage boys of questionable moral fibre, salivating over internet porn. It is filthy.

Pappawheely brought this up in another thread - the replies on what he said made me feel that I should say something.
Because I feel very strongly about this. 
It is not about protecting people's fragile little feelings. It is about being decent human beings. Some things can be joked about. Some things can't.
Maybe it is because we live in such a crime-riddled country that these things are serious to us.
But as one member suggested, we are not that young.  We might be, by your standards. But we also know what is right and good and what is not.

Thankfully, I have not encountered this term often on NRNS. The person who said it in the first place ended up censoring it.
I am not attacking you or hating on you mate. I am just explaining my point of view. So that people might think a bit further than what is right in front of them.
NRNS wants quality people. So lets be quality people.
This world will never  improve if we continue to make the unacceptable acceptable becasue urban dictionary says it is cool.

Nobody thinks it's cool to call somebody a **gger faggot in a server. So why would it be cool to rape all players?

Hows your sister?
She's OK! She's getting raped all the time these days by those guys in COD4!

Think about it.

Thanks for reading,


Introduce Yourself / Moose
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:43:31 AM »

I am on the forum. LOL
I'm only playing occasionally these days.

Thanks NRNS for the help with getting my account sorted.

Pages: 1





Online Gaming