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Topics - MDM9ICHuK

Pages: 1
Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: January 15, 2015, 18:55:12 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: #Heli *MD*M9ICHuK
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): invalid.
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NO*RETREAT*NO*SURRENDER**
The date i was banned: 15.01.2015
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter: Hello.
I need help from Supervisor Admin!
Today I've been playing on NRNS server. I was flying on the helicopter with the teammate on Gulf of Oman map. I was MEC. My team taken all flags and USMC was staying on the Carrier or trying to get away via choppers and boats. I was killing them all,when they get far away (more then 100m from safebase),because i was in 550m away from the Safebase,but TV guide missile have length 450m. I killed [NRNS] H-MAN when he was more than 250m+ away from the Carrier and he make a WARNING for me,i typed that I did not Base Rape and he kicked me. After this I joined again and typed in chat that i did not base rape and why he kicks me for nothing? If it is because I kill him - then he have to die and to shut up,like me,or everybody,who dies on the server,but not to KICK me for BASERAPE,which I not did!

10 minutes before my kick i saw ingame message for WARNING X3MPARKER bunnyhoping,then he kicked him.After this X3MPARKER join the server and type in chat that he did not bunnyhoping and H-Man is a liar,H-Man kicked him after this for . I typed in chat "Where is disrespect, if the man says that he did not that for you kicked him?> He did not answered my question.

In 10 minutes after this situation he kicked me.
After that i typed in chat that I did not base rape and I will type all this situation on forum,he BANNED me for .

Supervisor admins, I have an question - Why I have to respect admin, who kicks and bans people for nothing ,just because he don't like the man,or just because that men killed him,H-Man exceed his authority.

Please, Supervisor Admin,look seriously on this situation,because it's not the first time and I understand that is not the last time of H-Man's sauce.

and unban me please,because i did not base rape and i did not injury that admin,i just sayd that he kicked me for that i did not and i will type all that on forum. I sayd and in typed.

If admins have Chat logs - please look,its a proof.
If admins have demos of that round - please look or give it to me i will show you that i did not base rape,or any other rules violations.,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: January 14, 2015, 17:27:24 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: #Heli *MD*M9ICHuK
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): invalid....
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NO*RETREAT*NO*SURRENDER**
The date i was banned: 14.01.2015
Reason i was banned/kicked: Cheating/hacking

Comment on this matter: Hi!
Tonight I played on your server. I flew on helicopter with the companion, the enemy plane flies on me, I was a pilot. I shot in he rockets and he died, that time he shot at me and too killed me. I was accused that I am a cheater,but that isn't. It isn't UNREAL - to kill the plane from the helicopter??? I will tell more it is very easy to make! Especially to me! My prefix is #Heli because I fly about 5 years on helicopter in this game(bf2) and I know about it everything! I with ease can kill any enemy heli/jet or infantry from helicopter.
If [NRNS] Electro want to say that I am cheater - please show me black screenshots of pb. Every cheater have black screens! But I can show you that I am not cheater. I can stream my playing and I can show you my pb screens. It is clear!
However, it's not first time when Electro ban or kick somebody who killed him. He thinks that if he is an admin = he is the God ??? It is not! Go back down on the Earth,men! You are just an admin, so look for the real cheaters or players who make some bad things,but don't ban somebody if he killed you on jet or heli.You have to learn how to lose,because sometimes it happens!Yesterday on Daquing Oilfields i saw how you was killed by a men on Su-30(J-11B) china bomber.He shooted in you all his rockets and flied away from you,because you quickly was coming to USMC uncap,but his rockets reached you,when you was on the uncap territory. You kicked or banned him,i dont know. But WHY? He shooted in you his rockets when you was not near the airfield,when you was very much away from it. You cant understand him? Or you never was in the same situation? Why you do this? Kick and ban everybody who killed you and you don't believe in reality of this thing?

However. I killed you by the heli pilot's missiles. How i can be a cheater? Or if i could be gunner i could be cheater? When you come to the chopper face to face you think its hard to shoot in you by TV missile? it's wrong.

You BANNED me for nothing. Think about it. I am good player and i like this server. Why i have to be punished for my skillz? ,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Pages: 1





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