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Topics - [NRNS]Xenalite

Pages: 1 2 3
Battlefield 2 / Some good news!
« on: April 23, 2016, 19:39:54 PM »

I am here to announce some news for Battlefield 2 servers.
What is on everyone's mind are DDOS attacks that have been happening over the last few weeks.
We are working with our hosting provider in fading those out into insignificance. I believe we are making good progress in identifying firewall holes and fixing them up. Hopefully, the server outages will soon be a thing of the past.

In other news, we are making modifications to the Air Aces server to make it into overall vehicle server. We have long neglected vehicles in NRNS in favour of infantry. We will now be working in modding the "big server" differently to city maps to make vehicles worthwhile. First step towards that was to lower AT damage on armour vehicles to original game levels. Big radius AT mines and C4 are still in play though. More things to come.

As result of Battlelog kindly wrapping Special Forces download into their new launcher, we will be releasing a Special Forces server on our USA box and closing down Custom Maps & Karkand Extreme (test server). It should be up and running in the beginning of next week.

In city maps, we added a map resizer to keep map sizes good for number of players online. Less than 20 players will switch to 16-player map, less than 40 will pick 32-player map and 40 or more will be full sized map. This is to keep the fighting tight during european night periods where there aren't many players around. In addition, our map rotation has been appended with (long requested) Great Wall. We will let you enjoy the unmodded version of the map for a while before new flag positions come out!

That's it from me.
Thank you to the staff team who keep the game fresh and entertaining.

Best regards,

Battlefield 2 / DOUBLE XP WEEKEND
« on: April 07, 2016, 22:51:13 PM »

I am here to tell you that all our BF2 servers will receive an XP boost for the whole of Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
During this time, at the end of each round you play, your end points will be doubled!
This will allow you to rank up on NRNS stats much faster. Points towards Battlelog stats system will be unaffected.

Have fun and happy playing,


Battlefield 2 / Some BF2 News
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:09:30 AM »

Today I did a few changes to US servers. I renamed the old Vanilla server to mixed maps server. It was created for Americas' players, so they can get a better ping than on European servers. We will be trying out new weapon mods on that server soon so stay tuned!

Some of the changes will involve tweaking armoured vehicles to make them more worthwhile, make non-scoped weapons very powerfull in close combat and scoped weapons more accurate but less powerful. We will also look into modifying the points system, so that you receive more credit for teamwork actions, such as flag capture and reviving your squad leader.

In other mod news, we now also have a custom maps server on US. It is running 5 custom city maps, which you will have to download before you can play there. Details on how to do it are here:

We hope to bring more players in by giving them more variety. Maps look roughly like this:


Battlefield 2 / How to join custom maps server?
« on: March 12, 2016, 00:52:13 AM »

To join *NRNS*CUSTOM*MAPS you will need all maps that server is running in your game "Levels" folder.

You can download maps using a tool that I made.
Download the tool here:;sa=downfile&id=27

Unzip the downloaded archive file to your game folder:
I am purposely showing you where the folders are located.

Then run XLauncher program:

It's going to greet you with a little window, where you can put in the server ip and port.
On the top there is also path to where maps will be downloaded. You can change it if you must with the "..." button.

Port: 16667

After you put in the server ip and port, hit download and wait until all maps are downloaded.

And that's it. The downloader will take some time to get the files, and it will depend on how fast your connection is.
But you only have to run it ONCE. Because once you have all maps in your Levels folder, you can then join the *CUSTOM*MAPS server any time you want!

Disclaimer - If the XLauncher program doesn't even start, you might also need this:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5:

Battlefield 2 / Hub players
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:49:29 PM »

If you are using BF2Hub game client and cannot see NRNS servers in your server browser,
Check the "legacy" option in your client. See attached screenshot.

Battlefield 2 / Battlelog points system
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:48:21 AM »

Yesterday and today I rolled out a new feature of our ranking system.
Our statistics at the end of each round are now sent to Battlelog as well as our internal rank system.

Your ranks and points will stay the same, if you only play on NRNS.
Full round score will be added to your NRNS score at round end.
Full round score MINUS bonus score will be added to your Battlelog account (if you have one) score (available on other servers too).

Any rank up you earn in NRNS servers will go to your NRNS rank. If you earn enough points in Battlelog to rank up, you will need to join another servers to complete the process.

This is to give Battlelog players a bigger incentive to play on our servers and get at least a partial reward for it that is visible outside of NRNS. We have no plans to send statistics to BF2Hub as their ranked servers restrictions are much more strict.

Also, all NRNS members will have their NRNS stats wiped out in the first week of February.



The Funny Board / Germans :D
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:08:19 PM »

Battlefield 2 / New Vanilla Ranked Server
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:58:57 AM »

I am here to announce that we now host a brand new USA server for Battlefield 2.

It has unmodded weapons and vehicles. We have, however, modded maps from old City Maps #2 and unlimited run power.
It is also connected to Battlelog's ranking system, so don't panic. Your normal NRNS scores are not gone, you are just getting stats from somewhere else. :) If you play there, the points you earn will count to any other battlelog ranked server.

Find it now in battlelog server browser or join at: : 16567


Battlefield 2 / Safebases in NRNS Servers
« on: January 11, 2016, 20:29:27 PM »

Please familiarise yourselves with this list of safebases in our servers. Click image to magnify.
It is against the rules to take vehicles or kill players in the safebase of the opposing team.
If you do, you will be warned and die.

If a map is not listed here, there is no safe zone, even if flags indicate so, .e.g. Operation Blue Pearl.

City Maps #1

Road To Jalalabad 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Sharqi Peninsula 32:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Sharqi Peninsula 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Strike At Karkand 16:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Strike At Karkand 32:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Strike At Karkand 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Air Aces

Daliant Plant 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Daqing Oilfields 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Dragon Valley 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

FuShe Pass 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Gulf of Oman 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Highway Tampa 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Kubra Dam 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Midnight Sun 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Operation Clean Sweep 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Operation Road Rage 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Operation Smoke Screen 32:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Wake Island 2007 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Zatar Wetlands 64:

Safebases in NRNS Servers

Battlefield 2 / CM1 New Maps - Post your feedback
« on: January 09, 2016, 23:32:56 PM »

You may have noticed a new set of maps was put on City Maps 1 today.
To keep the server fresh, the maps will change every week.

The new set features big karkand and modified flag positions for all other maps that we were previously running.
These maps were lifted directly from City Maps #2, and as such were never properly battle-tested with 64 players.

So, if you run into issues with bad spawn points, flag positions, vehicles, etc, please let us know. We need your feedback to iron out the problems.


Battlefield 2 / Stats web page
« on: January 09, 2016, 10:09:44 AM »

The stats web page should not be timing out anymore, when you attempt to look up your player scores.
Let me know, if there are any problems.

You can check your stats here:

General Discussion / New Auto Admin Scripts
« on: December 21, 2015, 23:24:38 PM »

Today I put on new scripts for auto-admin of the servers: City Maps 1 and Air Aces.

They will take care to warn and kick players who don't obey the following rules:
1) Flying as commander
2) Seat Switching
3) Safebase attack
4) Safebase vehicle steal

If you think you were warned unfairly, don't go off on admins. Please take a screenshot and make a post here first, describing your situation. Then I can see, if anything wrong happened with auto-admin.

Thanks and happy playing.

Battlefield 2 / Rambo Mode
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:52:54 AM »

Battlefield 2 / Gameplay video
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:21:51 PM »

Ownage!  :D

Wall of Fame or Shame / My new guardian farm.
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:35:26 AM »
Just a little project on the side. :P

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