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Messages - TheRealDealtm

Pages: 1
That's Nice Buddy Really Nice, Why u Don't Come To Vent And Tell me Where That Spot Is lol  :P :P

I'll tell you where it is are you on?

So I was playing around of bf2 and it was one of the best games I played. We were on Sharqi Peninsula and I was just fooling around at first found this spot that no one new about. I was on MEC team and US had most of the flags. I found a cool spot and said im going to sit here and snipe. I could defend 3 flags at once which was nice. Found out no one new where I was the whole time. And killed alot of people and went 38-5.  I don't know why but just wanted to say that lol. God Bless NRNS.

Unban Requests from NRNS Servers / Unban Request for Battlefield 2
« on: February 12, 2015, 18:03:14 PM »
Good day,

My ingame name: TheRealDealtm
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): idk tried but can't find out.
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NO*RETREAT*NO*SURRENDER**
The date i was banned: 2/12/2015
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other

Comment on this matter: I was playing around of BF2 and I was in for like 10 mins. and i died then got revived and started running from the Artillery and I did. After I jumped on some crates cause there was a fence i jumped over and helped out some who was reviving someone with suppressing fire cause I thought someone was there. Before I could do that it disconnect me saying you have been banned for excessive Team killing or by kick vote. I don't think I did anything wrong I followed the rules and listen to what u guys say.  Just wondering why I was banned thanks.,

Any help much appriciated on my Request

Introduce Yourself / Introduce Yourself
« on: February 09, 2015, 16:42:43 PM »
Hello NRNS and Members

My BF2 name is TheRealDealtm
My Real Name is Thomas
Im 19 turning 20 on June 18

I have been playing Bf2 for awhile now idk how long but its been long. I started playing on NRNS few months now. I really like the server my friend told me about it. I like the people that play on it. I look forward to the cool stuff that will go on on NRNS

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Online Gaming