[NRNS] Gaming Community
Gaming Discussions => Rust => Topic started by: [NRNS]Ynot on February 21, 2016, 07:14:38 AM
Hey all Rusteers !!
Rust server was updated to latest version Experimental Devblog 98.
The previous version was Devblog 69.
Versions were too far appart for the game to be able to convert all the changes made to the database.
So had to wipe server, re-installed new plugins and will update /help command with all new commands.
Blue prints database seems to work so if you use same steam ID and the name you had before you should be able to have previous blue prints learned.
Both steam and no-steam versions seem to work with the server the moment you use the right version.
For the no steam version you can find it with google, https://www.google.ca/search?q=rust-client-experimental-v1355-devblog-98-knightstable-x64&rlz=1C1GIWA_enCA628CA628&oq=rust-client-experimental-v1355-devblog-98-knightstable-x64&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.326j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
Have fun, please report plugin bugs.
Thanks Tony ;)
now theres some problems in rust,
1) Rust doesnt even fit in my screen even at 1920x1080
2) i cant even destroy the walls i made , if i try to break them i die!
3) theres no demolish option
4) You cant even build a door
I Hve no idea how we gonna play this game ,
Thx tony .
Another error you cant even updgrade your walls/foundation anything whenever you do it , your game disconnects automatically!
Great job Ynot! :D :D :D
I should have had the steam version...
All blurprints gone...and yesterday i got the ak blueprint
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Thanks Tony , will update the game when Ireached home
now theres some problems in rust,
1) Rust doesnt even fit in my screen even at 1920x1080
2) i cant even destroy the walls i made , if i try to break them i die!
3) theres no demolish option
4) You cant even build a door
I Hve no idea how we gonna play this game ,
Would you just relax?
You are not helping anyone with those comments, I was in game yesterday and build some stuff and all works for me, I will check logs for any bugs.
I should have had the steam version...
All blurprints gone...and yesterday i got the ak blueprint
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Your blue prints are still intact let me check how you can change steam ID to your old one and you will have them back.
Thanks. New version looks pretty sweet. :)
AFAIK the player guid is created (in part) by the VolumeID of the system partition. When my character was stuck in wounded state the only way I could login with a different character was to change my VolumeID.
now theres some problems in rust,
1) Rust doesnt even fit in my screen even at 1920x1080
2) i cant even destroy the walls i made , if i try to break them i die!
3) theres no demolish option
4) You cant even build a door
I Hve no idea how we gonna play this game ,
Would you just relax?
You are not helping anyone with those comments, I was in game yesterday and build some stuff and all works for me, I will check logs for any bugs.
LOL bro i cant even kill myself i am trapped xD in a house and whever i try to hit walls wtih something , instead of destroying it , it kills me! . And thats the only problem otherwise The New version is really smooth as compared to old one , graphics are amazing!
I should have had the steam version...
All blurprints gone...and yesterday i got the ak blueprint
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Your blue prints are still intact let me check how you can change steam ID to your old one and you will have them back.
Don't worry tony :) I had the cracked version but bought the steam version right now.
You've done a lot of work for the server so I can collect the blueprints again...
But if it's not that difficult i can send you my steam id 
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How exactly does the steam version work? As soon as there is a new devblog, will it update the installed game?
So we can't join our server anymore then? Or will this still be possible no matter which devblog is the latest one?
The following is incorrect:
You can right click the game in steam library, choose properties, one of the tabs has settings for beta versions. You can choose which version to use and cancel the auto update.
Thank you! Then I should consider buying it too since a torrent is no option in my country. But if anyone can find a working non-torrent version that would be really awesome :)
It looks like you can't choose individual versions using that method:
youtube (https://youtu.be/SSBiLCQYA3Q?t=59)
But you can still instruct steam to stop updating it...wont do you much good though if steam is at a more recent version when you buy it. :|
EDIT: So it looks like they try to discourage not updating as much as possible. They want everyone and every server to be on the latest update at all times. It looks like they don't host old versions and don't provide a way to revert to older versions. That means: if you have the steam version you need to prevent the auto update or your version will be updated past our server's version. If you want to use the steam version to connect to our server you need to install (and turn off auto update) sometime before Rust Devs release a new version or your version will be updated past our server's version.
Sorry for the misinformation.
EDIT2: Looks like steam removed the 'dont update my game' functionality. You can still do it but it's a pain now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/2do2k2/how_can_i_completely_disable_updates_for_a_game/
In light of all this I'd recommend against using the steam version if you want to connect to private servers that don't stay up to date. Ironic, iron fisting to placate DRM encourages piracy.
Thank you! Then I should consider buying it too since a torrent is no option in my country. But if anyone can find a working non-torrent version that would be really awesome :)
if i found a link without torrent will it work? if yes i will upload it somewhere then you can take it
i pllayed rust legit version its almost the same as this! . no difference!
Thank you! Then I should consider buying it too since a torrent is no option in my country. But if anyone can find a working non-torrent version that would be really awesome :)
If you click the link provided on 1st post, second site on google's list works very well.
It seems that was hard work. I appreciate it Thanx Ynot .and im very happy 2C this post
Another error you cant even updgrade your walls/foundation anything whenever you do it , your game disconnects automatically!
This is a really nasty bug :P
Btw, you now have to craft doors individually, you can't build them with the building plan.
Identified bugs and repairing them, will post update.
thx again tony and we gonna be happy if u played with us too.
Two more errors streaming sytem overload -- deferringplayback. FMOD Error: Operation could not be performed! , and also sometimes it doesnt come up but while joining server my game closes and i get Rust stopped working
is it work at 32-Bit ??
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if you guys facing some error like steam auth or timed out copy and replace this dll file
Does it work for you now xodix?
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nope :P but it worked for other player around the world :P
I will not give up my Rust :P
I think I will setup a pure steam server as well.
Xodix try again made changes server side.
Sorry Tony stupid rust hate me , same error .
Will try to remove steam , do some stuff maybe then it works
trying to purchase it Tony , will let you know if it done or not
New problem for this new version
Tony i gave him the link ( its dennis link :D )..maybe its the game !!!!!
For me (steam version) everything worked at all time
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Try files in TS Rust file browser.
Try files in TS Rust file browser.
I'm still getting the same error. I tried with all the files in the luma rar. Tried with using LumaGameLauncher_x64.exe (following the instructions in Rust.txt). I'm downloading Rust.rar now but if it's the same as the torrent I expect the same results.
EDIT: Same result with the Rust.rar.
Try files in TS Rust file browser.
I'm still getting the same error. I tried with all the files in the luma rar. Tried with using LumaGameLauncher_x64.exe (following the instructions in Rust.txt). I'm downloading Rust.rar now but if it's the same as the torrent I expect the same results.
Both things didn't worked for me but it worked for Yousef and Ali :P
What a bad luck to me
Guys I can make the server steam only ?!!?!?!?!
Your thoughts please!!
Your thoughts please!!
Seems like ppl using the steam version aren't having any trouble connecting. Are there advantages to making it steam only (ie: you can list it on the official server lists, etc)? Otherwise it seems like we'd just be limiting the potential number of players.
Your thoughts please!!
Seems like ppl using the steam version aren't having any trouble connecting. Are there advantages to making it steam only (ie: you can list it on the official server lists, etc)? Otherwise it seems like we'd just be limiting the potential number of players.
What are the advantages?
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What are the advantages?
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like when new updates come server will be updated and ur game too :P u can play at many other LEGIT servers where theyt have funny mods and blabla stuff
The advantage is being listed at least somewhere so server becomes known...
The game is really not expensive and is Beta so a lot of updates to come, a lot of new stuff to come.
If it's a public server (steam) we will have publics from the start, if it's a cracked server only a few know it's existante and eventually it will die.
We had Rust running for almost 2 years and just recently there was an interest on it.
I think we should prefer NRNS gamers before publics, so that every NRNS member who wants to play can play. I don't know if all of us have steam version.
But if we all have steam version now i would agree :)
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The advantage is being listed at least somewhere so server becomes known...
The game is really not expensive and is Beta so a lot of updates to come, a lot of new stuff to come.
If it's a public server (steam) we will have publics from the start, if it's a cracked server only a few know it's existante and eventually it will die.
We had Rust running for almost 2 years and just recently there was an interest on it.
At this moment both steam and luma are able to connect via F1 console command because they are on the same version, we will see when a new update will come...
Some of us have been with it off and on for those 2 years. :P Updates will always generate extra interest.
If it's worth the loss of the few who can't/won't buy it to have it listed I say go for it. If the server auto-updates it should make it easier on the steam users.
Tony will there be a new map or will our stats be lost??
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To be honest the current map is fraud xD procedural is the best one tho
I like the new map. The only thing is that my further base was so hidden, no one would bave found it. Hiding is not so easy in the new map but it makes it more thrilling. I would let the map as it is, because if not all our stuff will be lost again and if that happens too often it will be boring
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I have noticed a new bug in the game today : Av killed a wolf after few seconds another wolf attacked him and he died, same thing happened to me . I killed wolf within a second another wolf appear from no where killed me and booom gone like a bird :P
Does anyone know if you lose your blueprints when a new update is released for the steam version? It would be discouraging if you had to start over and over again with every new update.
Nevermind, I found out. You will only lose them if the devs want to do a hard reset because of major changes.
New update done.... Server gave me an error loading saved files:
Loaded database server/RUST_1/UserPersistence.db (59 entries)
This save is from an older version - and is incompatible.. sorry!
Do not know is all is lost or not as I do not have the new client, let me know but I believe there's nothing I can do.
Only thing I can do is revert back to old version, I have made a full backup.
Server version:
Protocol: 1358.115.1
Build Version: 814.4
Build Date: Friday, March 04, 2016 9:36:22 AM
Just tested this version with the file links provided in Rust.txt on the TS3 server Rust channel file browser.
You need to download the main file and the patch, decompress the main file to example: C:\Games\Rust
Decompress the patcher, run it and give it the path to where you have Rust installed, example: C:\Games\Rust
Once the patch is finished download Luma.rar from the TS3 server Rust channel file browser.
Decompress the contents in your Rust folder, example: C:\Games\Rust
Edit LumaEmu.ini and change your name on the fields where is says: ChangeME
Once done run RustClient as admin, once game is open press F1
In the box type in client.connect
Press Enter and you should connect to the server.
Have Fun !!!
ty as always Tony, words can't express appreciation for all you guys do for us
Does anyone know if you lose your blueprints when a new update is released for the steam version? It would be discouraging if you had to start over and over again with every new update.
Blue prints are only lost if your player ID changes, I do not wipe database, on this version everyone lost their home inventory and stuff but not the blueprints, I did no wipe the map the version did.
i'm facing a problem i done the steps above but this error im getting when i try to connect to our server
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
btw its ok in other servers i can join with no problem
i'm facing a problem i done the steps above but this error im getting when i try to connect to our server
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
is it working for the cracked virsion ???
i'm facing a problem i done the steps above but this error im getting when i try to connect to our server
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
btw its ok in other servers i can join with no problem
Did you use our version of Luma ??
I had the same problem with the version in the game files, once I replaced luma everything worked.
i'm facing a problem i done the steps above but this error im getting when i try to connect to our server
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
btw its ok in other servers i can join with no problem
Did you use our version of Luma ??
I had the same problem with the version in the game files, once I replaced luma everything worked.
yes but now when i try to run the luma launcher i get this error
No GameExe is set in LumaEmu.ini
i'm facing a problem i done the steps above but this error im getting when i try to connect to our server
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
btw its ok in other servers i can join with no problem
Did you use our version of Luma ??
I had the same problem with the version in the game files, once I replaced luma everything worked.
yes but now when i try to run the luma launcher i get this error
No GameExe is set in LumaEmu.ini
open the lumaemu.ini and find the code GameExe =
when you find the above line just put RustClient.exe after =
Like this
GameExe = RustClient.exe
i did everything
extracted the two rust's in one folder (older and newer version but the older first)
after that i installed the patch to my rust folder
than i downloaded the luma file and i extract it to The rust folder
i ran the rust client as administrator
i pressed F1 and entered the server....
and it gave me this
Steaming System overload--deferring playback. FMOD Error: Operation Could not Performed because specified sound/DSP Connection is not ready
i done everything but now when i try to connect to the server i get the same error
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
Hmmm to sum up the Problems:
- Some players with cracked version can't connect to the server
- Steam updates automatically, the server does not
- If the server is updated, some players lose their blueprints and buildings are wiped (we spent at least 20 hours in building and everything is gone --> this makes the game unattractive
- the server is not public so there are only 0-4 active players
I think our aim should be a middle-populated server with 20-30 players inclusive sleepers.
If you need my help tony then let me know!!
And if anybody says NO or YES to the aim then comment :)
But if it stays like now that every few days the map is wiped i see no sense in having a nrns server, it only costs money.
I agree with you, we should try to run the Version which makes the fewest problems. This is a Steam only Version right now.
But we should always keep in mind, the game is still alpha Status so the game developers can decide to wipe everything with every new update.
The only way to prevent this is not updating the server which forces all steam users to prevent their Steam from updating the game as well.
Any Solution for this ?
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
Any Solution for this ?
Connection request accepted
Disconnect Reason: Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket
Disconnected (Steam Auth: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket) - returning to main menu
Guess not Madean We just have to pay for the The game !
Do you use the latest game version?
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For me the "free" and the purchase version work
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yes both are using the latest version Sir !
Madean and Reaper have problems cuz they dont have 98 update . i extracted both 98 and 99.1 and the patch was extracted too then you have to patch it and then open file browser from ts channel rust then download luma and extract it in same folder . madean and reaper both just got 99.1 only i think you need to have 98 too my games ( purchased and cracked ) both work in first attempt so i wiould suggest you to download 98 update too and then do the things that i mentioned above and AV Not in all updates you lose game data and blueprints , read on playrust.com you will see in some updates its mentioned that the data will be wiped but not in all of them! , they are changing some major things so they have to wipe sometime!. and rust on steam will be much better and almost flawless we can update and run it easily i would say if we can have 2 active admins from different time zones or maybe 3 from america/canada , europe and asia so these guys can update our game as new updates are coming up so fast, Tony is busy too so i think it will help us and we wont have to disturb tony most of the time when hes busy .
Madean and Reaper have problems cuz they dont have 98 update . i extracted both 98 and 99.1 and the patch was extracted too then you have to patch it and then open file browser from ts channel rust then download luma and extract it in same folder . madean and reaper both just got 99.1 only i think you need to have 98 too my games ( purchased and cracked ) both work in first attempt so i wiould suggest you to download 98 update too and then do the things that i mentioned above and AV Not in all updates you lose game data and blueprints , read on playrust.com you will see in some updates its mentioned that the data will be wiped but not in all of them! , they are changing some major things so they have to wipe sometime!. and rust on steam will be much better and almost flawless we can update and run it easily i would say if we can have 2 active admins from different time zones or maybe 3 from america/canada , europe and asia so these guys can update our game as new updates are coming up so fast, Tony is busy too so i think it will help us and we wont have to disturb tony most of the time when hes busy .
Tried that Didn't Work
Madean and Reaper have problems cuz they dont have 98 update . i extracted both 98 and 99.1 and the patch was extracted too then you have to patch it and then open file browser from ts channel rust then download luma and extract it in same folder . madean and reaper both just got 99.1 only i think you need to have 98 too my games ( purchased and cracked ) both work in first attempt so i wiould suggest you to download 98 update too and then do the things that i mentioned above and AV Not in all updates you lose game data and blueprints , read on playrust.com you will see in some updates its mentioned that the data will be wiped but not in all of them! , they are changing some major things so they have to wipe sometime!. and rust on steam will be much better and almost flawless we can update and run it easily i would say if we can have 2 active admins from different time zones or maybe 3 from america/canada , europe and asia so these guys can update our game as new updates are coming up so fast, Tony is busy too so i think it will help us and we wont have to disturb tony most of the time when hes busy .
Tried that Didn't Work
whenever your at ts lemme know , we can do something with teamviewer
Well my Case is Close can't get it running me and Ali tried but no luck !
Hope u get it running madean !
Well my Case is Close can't get it running me and Ali tried but no luck !
Hope u get it running madean !
lol well not trying anymore no luck for it happy gaming everyone
Well my Case is Close can't get it running me and Ali tried but no luck !
Hope u get it running madean !
lol well not trying anymore no luck for it happy gaming everyone 
Updated now to version Devblog 103 !!
Updated instructions on TS channel Rust, right click on channel click on file browser and you will find all you need there.
Updated now to version Devblog 103 !!
tks Ynot :D :D :D
Thank you, it is working fine!
Works fine for me too, Thank you :)
Thanks Tony
Steam Rust is updated to DB 104 :)
Rust updated to devblog 104, I provided once again a link but will not be testing it, the ones using steam let me know if something is not working.
Need my rig now. Cant wait tobgetbthis beast.. Overclocker duo deal cpu & mother board and a six gig graphics card omg i will be able to play everything in high res on full spec. Warthunder can be played in movie spec, and on simulator mode it will be awesome
Rust updated to devblog 104, I provided once again a link but will not be testing it, the ones using steam let me know if something is not working.
Thank you for the update :)
Thank tTony , you are " The Savior "
Hey there people
Can we please make our server steam only with automatically updates?
We need more players and faster updates
this should not underrate tonys work - its great
Is there any comment from the Dev Team about the plans for Rust?
Right now there are major changes with adding the XP system to the game which basically is a new start and a huge amount of players are coming back because they have only been waiting for this happening.
Is there any chance to have a NRNS server again? Now is a great time to get new players to our community.
This would need the server to be Steam only though.
What does our Dev Team say?
I count that as a no
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Sorry guys was busy setting up another server on my free time, will look at it soon.
Auto updates are not possible because of all the plugins we use, so all the plugins need to be updated as well.
Thx for respond tony :)
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Ok guys server updated to newest version as well as all plugins... Have Fun !!!
Wowww thx :)
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Thank you Tony :)
Thank you Tony, I appreciate your work a lot!
But honestly, I think we may have to change something if you are going to be as busy as you were the last weeks. This is not a reproach, I just want to make it easier for you.
With the weekly updates on every thursday, Rust is really work-intensive to keep it updated at the recent version.
This is where I come back to my question of some posts ago:
Are there plans to keep the server alive or is it just something we have besides all the other servers and it is going to be dropped after some time?
If you and the rest of the council/founder team is willing to keep it, we should work on a solution which does not need as much effort as it needs right now.
If not, we should not waste our energy on this project.
i have the game but its saying cant resolve host :( any ideas? i have the 98 update too.
There a few issues in server , If you try to find animals then you might have to go through whole map then maybe you will 1 or 2 animals . 1) There are no animals at all in some areas , please increase their respawn rate to 2.0 or more so it can be a bit easier to find them . 2)The time difference between every air drop is too much ( about 1 hour) please reduce it to about 15 or 30 minutes . 3) Helicopter takes too long to respawn , normally it should take 2 hours and 10 minutes(3-4 game days) but in our server it takes about 4 hours(7-8 game days) please reduce its respawn time .
Please! if anyone could fix that it would be great.
Thank you!
Is the server still running?
Yes it's still running AV
There a few issues in server , If you try to find animals then you might have to go through whole map then maybe you will 1 or 2 animals . 1) There are no animals at all in some areas , please increase their respawn rate to 2.0 or more so it can be a bit easier to find them . 2)The time difference between every air drop is too much ( about 1 hour) please reduce it to about 15 or 30 minutes . 3) Helicopter takes too long to respawn , normally it should take 2 hours and 10 minutes(3-4 game days) but in our server it takes about 4 hours(7-8 game days) please reduce its respawn time .
Please! if anyone could fix that it would be great.
Thank you!
I know these are some annoying issues but unfortunately we can't change them unless someone with access to the serverbox can make sure the server is updated every week manually. Due to my time restrictions I had to change it to the unmodded version without Oxide last month. By doing so the autoupdate is working fine and the server updates itself a few hours after the client patches every thursday.
Therefore we have a server which is constantly running with the downside of losing the Oxide plugins...
I tried to join a few days ago using Steam version and was unable to. Do we have current connection instructions for rust?
New Rust server! (http://nrns-games.com/index.php?topic=10184.msg77468#msg77468)
To Join The Rust Server (http://nrns-games.com/index.php?topic=5653.msg42753#msg42753)
Also, is the Oxide auto updater not an option? I've seen it mentioned but don't know if it's legit.
I tried to join a few days ago using Steam version and was unable to. Do we have current connection instructions for rust?
It worked for me and I think Ali and Baru were playing on the server yesterday too. Did you install the latest Rust update?
Also, is the Oxide auto updater not an option? I've seen it mentioned but don't know if it's legit.
I didn't find any Oxide updater which is working the way it should...
Thank you very much! Dthebig , everything works perfect now! :D .
It worked for me and I think Ali and Baru were playing on the server yesterday too. Did you install the latest Rust update?
Well I tried it again and it's working now. Steam keeps Rust up to date but Rust had an update for its anti-cheat before it launched today (looks like Steam doesn't manage that). Maybe that was the issue before... not sure, but it's working now. Thanks. :)
It worked for me and I think Ali and Baru were playing on the server yesterday too. Did you install the latest Rust update?
Well I tried it again and it's working now. Steam keeps Rust up to date but Rust had an update for its anti-cheat before it launched today (looks like Steam doesn't manage that). Maybe that was the issue before... not sure, but it's working now. Thanks. :)
See you ingame bud ;D
This game is Awesome now!! Im in!!!
Update Needed? Cant connect. anyone else getting same error?
Is a server or client side update required?
Looks like I can connect. There was an update waiting for me in Steam before I could launch Rust though (I have automatic updates turned off for Rust but it looks like this update occurred on Friday).
It is working for me too. Might be because the client update was released very late this week.
Server was upgraded today as well as some of the plugins.
Kindly fix the animal spawn , just saw one animal in 45 minutes when i dont have a tool to kill him :D
A humble request
the game is so different now, it rocks, Awful when dying in this game, that deathly Scream haha, Blood curdling haha
the game is so different now, it rocks, Awful when dying in this game, that deathly Scream haha, Blood curdling haha
LOL yeah much different and Devs are making this game a FFA :D
Edit: Thanks for fixing the animal spawn they looks more cruel :P
Rust Server needs to be updated!
Will do it soon, will post back once server and mod with plugins are all updated.
Will do it soon, will post back once server and mod with plugins are all updated.
Soon as Tony gets rust how he likes the server with all the plugins, they go and update it again , Wow must be a nightmare, Thanks for you hard work Ynot.
Will do it soon, will post back once server and mod with plugins are all updated.
Server updated, did not have the time to test yet, please let me know !
Server updated, did not have the time to test yet, please let me know !
just logged in . Everything is Perfect! . Thank you bro!
thank you tony :)
Please do the following changes if possible
1) Change wipe cycle from every 2 weeks to 4 weeks , we've not enough players right now so it would be good to have long wipe cycle so we can build freely .
2) Increase smelting speed a little so it can take less time for anyone to start up
3) decrease the time interval after every Heli spawn , in the last 2 weeks i have only seen heli today thats like after every 24-72 hours (17 game days) please make it to 2-5 hours so anyone can attempt to take it down.
Please change em if possible , and also update the server as soon as you can :) the devblog is going to be out in 4 hours
Thank you!
Dev blog is out please up date the server
Sure Ali, updated now, by the way thanks for having raided everyone on their sleep, very courageous to kill other players on their sleep, stilling is one thing but killing and destroying crates is not very nice is it?
Sure Ali, updated now, by the way thanks for having raided everyone on their sleep, very courageous to kill other players on their sleep, stilling is one thing but killing and destroying crates is not very nice is it?
Hahahah sorry bro . I was so bored . Had too much stuff , had to waste it somewhere so I wiped all the bases I knew on the map and anyways it was gonna get wiped .
Guess am going to regret raiding everyone 😂😂😂 . Sorry bros , calm down :/
Did u raid my base too? ^^
Then u got your own thompson thompson back :D
1st Thursday in the month . Update needed for server. :)
Updated !!
Updated !!
Nice Job Tony thank you :D
Auto Update Today? We just had the update and a wipe the other day?
Auto Update Today? We just had the update and a wipe the other day?
The devs release patches after every week bud
one a month is too much as it is. why did i pay for this game? lool
been trying to get on before Work, everyone was getting kicked and Steam Auth failed yesterday, but the thing is, if you get disconnected on the ground floor or outside on the game you will be eaten by a bear. loosing all of the stuff you have in your inventory , Guns Clothes Bullets ect. hope it gets updated soon
You were kicked because the server was not updated at that time. This is now done, you should be able to join again!
oh nice, Thanks D
Server now showing on game list under modded... that was a hard one, 6 hours of work to troubleshoot that.
Server now showing on game list under modded... that was a hard one, 6 hours of work to troubleshoot that.
Wow, Your the Best Tony!!
Awesome Tony! :)
Thanks a lot!
Wtf 6 h :o
Thx for that hard work!!
i might be blind, but i didnt see the server in the modded list :(
i might be blind, but i didnt see the server in the modded list :(
It took several seconds (25) for it to show up for me. If you click the Modded tab, type NRNS into the 'Search Servers..' field, then wait a min it should be the only server listed. ;)
Unfortunately, it didn't show up for me, not even after 30 minutes...
Nevermind, now it works for me as well :)
Can someone plz update?
Thank you!
Update Again, This game is annoying at times, after you do so much to get strong then its all gone in the morning, hahaha, like Becca left Me and took everything even the house hahaha
Please Update :p its the only game I can play well while downloading . :)
Up and running, not only it needed an update but US box had crashed.
Thanks :)
The server is updated to Devblog 150.
Please consider there has been a forced wipe so we had to wipe the server too. Your gathering levels remain the same though.
Need updated twice a month? wow we just had an update and a wipe , and now another update. Thank u in Advance
There is a new update every week ;)
And the wipe is on every first thursday of the month.
Why the devs does not give updates just like Apple products ...once a year :D ......whats the point of wipe if you do such a hard work ...looks like an infinite loop :(
It does seem like an odd design choice, especially for a game so reliant on farm. Rust is still in early access but it does seem that the devs are trying to move the game toward more of an arena style game than a sandbox/RPG game. Unfortunate for those of us who actually like the sandbox and can't stand the arena. :|
They release the updates that frequently to find out what works best in game. Therefore they interact a lot with the community on reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/)
For example they work out something innovative like the vending machine and get immediate feedback and can change bugs and unbalanced things with the next update one week later.
I also don't fully like the direction the game is moving. I liked it much more when you could build bases with less limitations. Unfortunately this was abused intensively so the devs had to change it.
However, the new decoration items are awesome, they create a nice atmosphere in the bases.
The wipes happen because the game is introducing continuously new items and also removing some older ones, all these items are written to a database, once new items are introduced and older items need to be erased the databases needs to be reset resulting in a wipe.
Needs updated again :)
Please Update :) Thank you in Advance
Please Update :) Thank you in Advance
Done ;)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ty dennis
we have needed a server update for some time guys, I wont join another server so have been unable to pay this game after all we have done after the last update, is it wipe time again already? I hope they stop all this updating soon, thank you in advance.
we have needed a server update for some time guys, I wont join another server so have been unable to pay this game after all we have done after the last update, is it wipe time again already? I hope they stop all this updating soon, thank you in advance.
The server has been updated again now.
As you see it is a pain to do it manually every week and as long as we can't get this done automatically with a script it will be like this.
Facepunch will keep releasing new updates weekly and doing the wipe once a month, this will certainly not change.
However, they had some big problems with their big patch this week so the wipe was delayed. But I don't know if it will happen next week or on May, 4th.
I feel your pain D, I hear you clear bro, thank you for updating :)
please update :) thank you in advance
bump diddly ump
There is a little problem with the latest update. Running it will make the server box not respond for about 15 minutes. Therefore I have been waiting for a moment when no one is playing on the us box which has not been happening yet :/
There is a little problem with the latest update. Running it will make the server box not respond for about 15 minutes. Therefore I have been waiting for a moment when no one is playing on the us box which has not been happening yet :/
ty d
Thanks Man!!!
cant get in all week :(
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid someone else has to run the update then. I can't find a time where I would not disturb someone playing Wurm which I am not allowed to do.
If all else fails we should be able to set a time to do "Scheduled Maintenance" when required to keep the box updated and working. I think most gamers are very clear on the benefits and requirements of having "Scheduled Maintenance".
That would be the best option if everything else doesn't work.
Because of the weekly updates, it can be planned well for Thursday night e.g.
The problem is I don't have time to do this every week, so we should really work on running the updates automatically, this would help a lot.
I hope Tony can help with this!
PS: I just managed to find a gap and run the update, so you can play until the next one is released this evening :P
how many play rust here ? is it worth to carry on with if this if theres update all the time seems to be a pain . cant lag the other games or the box
No one :/
When motivation is high max. 5-6 at one time but motivation is low atm.
But Arma III server has even less players...
arma 3 dose not need all the update
I play when the server is friendly.
I play it all the time if my pc becomes alive 😂😂. Already have spent 1400 hours in it . Totally worth it
how many play rust here ? is it worth to carry on with if this if theres update all the time seems to be a pain . cant lag the other games or the box
I noticed our server can handle the updates far better than most of the others running a Rust server. The box didn't time out, CPU usage was only around 90% for ~5 minutes.
The question if it is worth to carry on with Rust because of the regular updates is still there though. On a side note, the majority of the Rust community tries to avoid playing against clans and therefore are hard to bring into a server run by a clan. Even if we are the friendliest community and have the best admins, most of the other players will stay away from our server simply because they don't trust a clan running a server in Rust. This is why I brought up the idea to spread the NRNS name together on other servers.
PS: Our server is updated now again!