[NRNS] Gaming Community

General Community => The Funny Board => Topic started by: [NRNS]IVAN-TAXI on January 26, 2016, 12:26:16 PM

Title: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]IVAN-TAXI on January 26, 2016, 12:26:16 PM
I see here in the picture








us 7

 :) :) :) :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]DR-EVIL on January 26, 2016, 12:35:55 PM
who is who or should i not ask lol
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]Killer-5A on January 26, 2016, 12:59:29 PM
lol ivan
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [Jeamean on January 26, 2016, 13:44:41 PM
Ivan lol  :D :D
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]IVAN-TAXI on January 26, 2016, 16:09:03 PM
I think that this with the white beard  STONER
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]IceMan on January 26, 2016, 18:04:27 PM
haha lol :D
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]Xodix on January 26, 2016, 18:19:47 PM
cant see pink admins xD lol
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]Machete on January 26, 2016, 18:49:21 PM
Ivan, how come you post pics of an italian comics? Do you know it?
I read Alan Ford since I learned to read  :P, and I have a collection with more than 300 numbers of it!
So I noticed you forgot to post a pic of this great hero, Superciuk!


He is a perennial drunk, drinking "Barbera", a strong wine of northern Italy, and steals from the poor to give to the rich!  :P
I think, he wears his cap to hide the ears, otherwise, everyone would recognize that he is Movin!  :P
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [T-90MS on January 26, 2016, 19:10:45 PM
Alan Ford one of my favorite comics. It's very nice translated on Serbo-Croatian.

1. „Bolje živeti 100 godina kao milioner, nego sedam dana u bedi.“
2. „Nije važno učestvovati, važno je pobediti.’
3. „Ako planiraš da pobediš, ne smeš da izgubiš.“
4.’Ko spava nije budan.“
5. „Naoružaj se i beži.“
6. „Bolje nešto od nečega, nego ništa ni od čega.“
7. ,,Ako želite da pobedite u trci, morate prvi proći kroz cilj.’
8. „Ne predaj se nikad, osim kad moraš.“
9. „Alane, bež’mo, njih je dvojica, a mi smo sami!“
10. „Prokletstvo, ovaj zid je gladak poput glatkog zida.“
11. „Mi ništa ne obećavamo i to ispunjavamo – Stranka istine.“
12. „Ovde počiva onaj koga više nema.“ (epitaf)
13. „Mene će najviše pogoditi moja sopstvena smrt!“
14. „Bolje biti bogat nego ne biti.“
15. „Kupite cveće voljenoj ženi, ali ne zaboravite i na svoju.“
16. „Poznati sicilijanski advokat tvrdi da je sve to plod policijske mašte.’
17. „Ne veruj ženi koja laže.“
18. „Ko hoda, ne trči.“
19. „Ko leti - vredi, ko vredi - leti, ko ne leti - ne vredi.“
20 „Bolje izdati knjigu nego prijatelja.“

Do not attempt to translate with Google Translator!
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: keeper2013 on January 27, 2016, 01:17:19 AM
ahahah beautifull!! I not know what this comics is translate on other language!! I have collection complete!!
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]StonerMk23 on January 27, 2016, 15:21:11 PM
lol Ivan
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]BLUE on January 27, 2016, 21:21:15 PM
cant see pink admins xD lol

who ever did that sketch had no colors :P

Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: Electrokaunista. on January 27, 2016, 21:24:36 PM
I also fount one of our admins doing his morning yoga sessions


 :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: Syntexx93 on January 27, 2016, 21:26:14 PM
lol  :P
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [NRNS]Xodix on January 27, 2016, 21:39:55 PM
who is with big ears :P
Title: Re: We are all a little tensed we need a little laughter
Post by: [Soldat-Tekkel on January 28, 2016, 10:49:32 AM
lol  :P