[NRNS] Gaming Community

Gaming Discussions => Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare => Topic started by: PappaWheely on May 31, 2015, 20:20:26 PM

Title: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on May 31, 2015, 20:20:26 PM
I think its really pathetic that NRNS members feel they have to camp to get kills. Most COD4 players know that camping is stupid, its not something any fps player would ever want to be known for and its just a bad style.
If everyone is just camping then what is the point?
There is already one NRNS member who camps more than he should and now we have another one. You all want to keep the server alive but people are already getting pissed off because of campers in the servers. Worst of all is that its NRNS members. I wont post any vids or mention names because apparently camping is allowed, really stupid rule but anyway if this is allowed then id rather not play on NRNS servers anymore, I only play here to support you guys by helping to keep the player count up, not because I get the lowest ping or the best game.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]dthebig on May 31, 2015, 20:56:43 PM
I'm sad to read this but can only agree. Although it is not forbidden, especially NRNS members should be a good example for all the others and play in a way to make it fun for everyone. I hope the involved persons read this and ask themselves if they are helping us with this attitude.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Antares! on June 01, 2015, 07:28:24 AM
I think its really pathetic that NRNS members feel they have to camp to get kills. Most COD4 players know that camping is stupid, its not something any fps player would ever want to be known for and its just a bad style.
If everyone is just camping then what is the point?
There is already one NRNS member who camps more than he should and now we have another one. You all want to keep the server alive but people are already getting pissed off because of campers in the servers. Worst of all is that its NRNS members. I wont post any vids or mention names because apparently camping is allowed, really stupid rule but anyway if this is allowed then id rather not play on NRNS servers anymore, I only play here to support you guys by helping to keep the player count up, not because I get the lowest ping or the best game.

He said the true, the worst think is that some members dont even know what they are doing. (see "sitting in one place behind 2 claymores with jugg it's sniping and not camping"). Others annoying behaves are also spamming nades every time they spawn.. and going afk to come back suddenly when ppl are going to kill them in they spawn (talking about EU3).
I can understand if it happens one time but if it becomes an attitude it makes ppl rage and quit

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Killer-5A on June 01, 2015, 09:12:04 AM
papa dis moelik omte se hoe mense moet speel ek het gister weer gesukkel met iemand wat c4 die heel tyd my oblaas ek verstaan jou vrustrasies maar almal speel anders en dis moelik om almal gelukig tehou in bf2 het ons die selde problem met snipers maar dis hoe party speel en as ons reels moet maak hoe alles moet werk gaan almal daar oor moun en se wat hulle nie van hou nie

hoop jy verstaan ...nrns members moet eindlik n voorbeeld wees laat weet as ek kan help

groete van blou bul country killer
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: rainerhass on June 01, 2015, 10:01:06 AM
Spinner >:(
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 10:02:43 AM
papa dis moelik omte se hoe mense moet speel ek het gister weer gesukkel met iemand wat c4 die heel tyd my oblaas ek verstaan jou vrustrasies maar almal speel anders en dis moelik om almal gelukig tehou in bf2 het ons die selde problem met snipers maar dis hoe party speel en as ons reels moet maak hoe alles moet werk gaan almal daar oor moun en se wat hulle nie van hou nie

hoop jy verstaan ...nrns members moet eindlik n voorbeeld wees laat weet as ek kan help

groete van blou bul country killer

hello killer! nee ek verstaan mense het hulle manier wat hulle speel, maar sos ek se camping is rerig net iets wat almal iritate, veral as dit nie n sniper is nie, as n siper camp dan is dit nie rerig erg nie want dis maar wat hulle doen en n snipe gee jou mos maar soms n disadvantage as jy gan rond hardloop met hom.
Dis net die players wat rerig hard camp, en ek praat van meer as 1 minute op een plek sal bly en na een spot sal aim.
Usually as n nuwe member gecamp het back in the day dan sou die nrns admin hom se om nie te camp ni, maar baie van dai admins het nrns al verlaat.
Net die ander dag het admins met my gestry oor hulle eie reels en toe was ek wel reg en het hulle n sekere reel gehad.
Ek dink net hulle moet n beter voorbeeld wes en nie n bad playing style vir hul self kry nie, dit vat sommer die quality van die server gou gou af.


Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 13:24:42 PM
Camping is a style of play, it ends and begins with it. It is the primary number one type of defensive play, you may not like it but to look down on it is to look down on something that has been in competitive FPS since their inception.,

In COD4 a camper will get you because he is camping ONCE, if he is still camping he is still in the area, you know he is there and he doesn't know for sure that you are comming, so really you have the advantage, what with killcams, deep penetration, LMG's noobtubes, RPGS 3x FRAG you are given more than enough tools to deal with a camper, camping also has its uses in tactical play as it enables you to hold points , assume map dominance and dictate/predict enemy spawning, as such it is a invaluable tool in CoD Competitive play and pub MP as map control is 80% of a game's outcome.

Again you can say you don't like camping and that's fine but to take the mick out of someone because they have a different playstle is just silly. It is down right equivalent to me saying Snipers are cheap because I drink against them. To be fair there are many cheaper things in COD4 that people never bring up because the majority uses them *cough *cough no attachment MP5 *cough *cough

P.S. People who play with me know I never camp, just felt like needing to be the devils advocate here as well these posts sort of rub me the wrong way...
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 14:25:04 PM
Camping is a style of play, it ends and begins with it. It is the primary number one type of defensive play, you may not like it but to look down on it is to look down on something that has been in competitive FPS since their inception.,

In COD4 a camper will get you because he is camping ONCE, if he is still camping he is still in the area, you know he is there and he doesn't know for sure that you are comming, so really you have the advantage, what with killcams, deep penetration, LMG's noobtubes, RPGS 3x FRAG you are given more than enough tools to deal with a camper, camping also has its uses in tactical play as it enables you to hold points , assume map dominance and dictate/predict enemy spawning, as such it is a invaluable tool in CoD Competitive play and pub MP as map control is 80% of a game's outcome.

Again you can say you don't like camping and that's fine but to take the mick out of someone because they have a different playstle is just silly. It is down right equivalent to me saying Snipers are cheap because I drink against them. To be fair there are many cheaper things in COD4 that people never bring up because the majority uses them *cough *cough no attachment MP5 *cough *cough

P.S. People who play with me know I never camp, just felt like needing to be the devils advocate here as well these posts sort of rub me the wrong way...

HBut but the cod4 admins are very very very against having kill cam on!! I know why.
Ive just never heard anyone thinking that camping is positive, ive been playing cod4 for many many many years and camping has always been looked down upon.
You go to any onther server thats not nrns and they will have a no camping rule, or strickt rules about how long a player is allowed to stay on one spot, its usually 3 shots and then move on, and thats for snipers only.

If this is the attitude here I wont be playing on the nrns cod4 servers anymore. Its the weakest style of fps game play ive ever came across.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: DiscoMoose on June 01, 2015, 14:36:31 PM
Vendetta, what you say is applicable to Search and Destroy, and perhaps Sabotage. There you could consider camping a 'tactical style' or somesuch.

But for Team Deathmatch and especially FFA there really is no reason for anybody to camp THAT hard. I reckon there is a difference between playing carefully and downright just playing lazy.  Most other players make this distinction as well. They wont merely call somebody out for camping a BIT, or having a SLIGHTLY campy style  because on NRNS people are generally tolerant of all styles of gameplay. So when it gets mentioned in the forums, perhaps it is a real issue. 

I'm not the type to make waves, but since it has been brought up, this is my 2c.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Wheys on June 01, 2015, 14:59:25 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 15:13:15 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)

rape is no laughing matter you know, really shouldn't use that word so loosely. 
I understand, but this is the first time ive had people defend camping.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 15:47:04 PM
Vendetta, what you say is applicable to Search and Destroy, and perhaps Sabotage. There you could consider camping a 'tactical style' or somesuch.

But for Team Deathmatch and especially FFA there really is no reason for anybody to camp THAT hard. I reckon there is a difference between playing carefully and downright just playing lazy.  Most other players make this distinction as well. They wont merely call somebody out for camping a BIT, or having a SLIGHTLY campy style  because on NRNS people are generally tolerant of all styles of gameplay. So when it gets mentioned in the forums, perhaps it is a real issue. 

m not the type to make waves, but since it has been brought up, this is my 2c.

No you are wrong. People always complain in FPS games so the fact that it is mentioned doesn't rlly make it an issue, but to the topic at hand. Camping is even more usefull in TDM or FFA as you again funnel spawns by holding points making sure your team gets the kills w/o dying hence increasing their team score while at the same time disallowing the enemy to get kills on their team, so its actually more usefull in TDM and FFA than SND or objective based modes, as objective based modes rely on movement and adaptation to a changing set of objectives.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Wheys on June 01, 2015, 15:48:21 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)

rape is no laughing matter you know, really shouldn't use that word so loosely. 
I understand, but this is the first time ive had people defend camping.

Don't take it too much personal, but uncase people maybe offended, gonna put a spoiler. lol

 There's always a way to kill campers, you can use explosives or a runner class. You can also tactical camp yourself with a sniper until you kill the camper and switch to your normal outfits.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 15:49:40 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)

rape is no laughing matter you know, really shouldn't use that word so loosely. 

A term is offensive because of the context attributed to it, in this case the word RAPE was used as slang in FPS game meaning to Anihilate, Defeat or completely overcome the enemy. It is not used in the context of forced sexual assault and advances, so he said nothing wrong...
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 15:52:50 PM

If this is the attitude here I wont be playing on the nrns cod4 servers anymore. Its the weakest style of fps game play ive ever came across.

Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Antares! on June 01, 2015, 18:35:50 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
looks like CoD4 is going so good that u can permit to lose other players just to protect those skilless dudes which can kill no one without camping.. making the gameplay a boring garbage for everyone. And then those players who play this bad make posts wondering how come your servers are empty.
I have played the last time in the map Crash 3v3 server EU1 and the whole opposite team has ever been in the spawn house all the time.
If the other team would have done the same how much fun it could have been
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 18:39:00 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)

rape is no laughing matter you know, really shouldn't use that word so loosely. 

A term is offensive because of the context attributed to it, in this case the word RAPE was used as slang in FPS game meaning to Anihilate, Defeat or completely overcome the enemy. It is not used in the context of forced sexual assault and advances, so he said nothing wrong...

Till someone you know was raped. Today people just talk without thinking. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 18:52:07 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
looks like CoD4 is going so good that u can permit to lose other players just to protect those skilless dudes which can kill no one without camping.. making the gameplay a boring garbage for everyone. And then those players who play this bad make posts wondering how come your servers are empty.
I have played the last time in the map Crash 3v3 server EU1 and the whole opposite team has ever been in the spawn house all the time.
If the other team would have done the same how much fun it could have been

Yes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

Totally man, ive played matches just like that, the one team is just camping and killing all the moving targets, oh how exciting it must be to just stay on one spot and shoot down the stupid players running around.
So much fun!!
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 18:53:59 PM
Camping is a part of every games.. there's lot of methods to kill campers. I used to rape all campers on Cod when I was playing. :)

rape is no laughing matter you know, really shouldn't use that word so loosely. 

A term is offensive because of the context attributed to it, in this case the word RAPE was used as slang in FPS game meaning to Anihilate, Defeat or completely overcome the enemy. It is not used in the context of forced sexual assault and advances, so he said nothing wrong...

Till someone you know was raped. Today people just talk without thinking. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to derail the topic but you are projecting mate, its your own issues.... I will repeat my self, he is not making a comment about Rape(the act of sexual aggression ) He used the term http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=MorfinX as a form of Urban Slang. Further more when it comes to jokes(especially general ones) I'm sorry but everything is fair game, take it in its lighthearted tone.

I'm sorry you were forced to be a part of a traumatic experience but for a lack of a better word mate ill quote AC/DC "Stiff upper lip" you are young, and take my advice when I tell you that you cant go trough life focusing on things that edge you, you wont enjoy it one bit :). Everyone's Woe is most difficult to them there is no question about that, but I'm talking from so much experience here that If I told you what the past couple of years have been like for me you would quite honestly call me a liar.

Take some advice from an older fellow, or don't the choice is yours, in any event my original point stands, regardless of your personal feelings about it.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 19:04:39 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
looks like CoD4 is going so good that u can permit to lose other players just to protect those skilless dudes which can kill no one without camping.. making the gameplay a boring garbage for everyone. And then those players who play this bad make posts wondering how come your servers are empty.
I have played the last time in the map Crash 3v3 server EU1 and the whole opposite team has ever been in the spawn house all the time.
If the other team would have done the same how much fun it could have been

COD4 Is a old game and over the many years we have hosted it was at a much lower point than it is now, every time trough the work and dedication of the team behind it it has bounced back up, and this time will be no exception , The current state of the affairs is due to internal matters within NRNS and a drop in activity always follows when drastic changes are made. I have full faith that the CoD4 team will be back up and running before you know it, they just need time to get their head out from under water, once they have had a time to breathe and take stock the servers will again flourish do not question that. 
Myself and many other members over here have poured our hearth and soul into a lot of these servers and when Jo's and Janes start telling us how we drink I can't  help but take offense to it.
NRNS has never been about pro gamers, it is about being a decent person and having fun with your game.

I appreciate the feedback, and It is nice to see that the players care, at the same time I do not appreciate the sarcasm and attitude of the general post and posts on this Thread. NRNS is a Community and as one such it values the input of the playerbase, but its not about that here. Here you are trying to tell a group of people that have been running FPS servers for over 10 years, most of witch held #1 positions for almost a decade now, how to do their jobs..... and you just don't teach a grandmother to drink eggs mate.

As for the comment about leaving I stand by it, Threaten to leave? Ill show you the door it's right over there......
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 19:09:33 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
lYes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

did you just tell me to Stay out of CoD lol? : )
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 19:16:24 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
lYes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

did you just tell me to Stay out of CoD lol? : )

No read again. Ive never seen you in COD4 ever.
If you did play cod you would not think its good game play to camp, especially in ffa and tdm, thats were you DONT want lame campers ruining it for everyone.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Antares! on June 01, 2015, 19:27:12 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 19:28:36 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
lYes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

did you just tell me to Stay out of CoD lol? : )

No read again. Ive never seen you in COD4 ever.
If you did play cod you would not think its good game play to camp, especially in ffa and tdm, thats were you DONT want lame campers ruining it for everyone.

I believe I did play COD4 once or twice..... On a serious not I don't comment on things I know nothing about, and COD..... I know a thing or two......
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: ariiii on June 01, 2015, 19:29:29 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 19:34:10 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

The Stay away from COD was Directed at Pappa and it was meant as a joke hence the :) ^.^

Im not telling people to play in any way, on the contrary I'm arguing you should play however you like , you are the one arguing against a style of play, im simply trying to state that it has merit, Mind you I don't like camping either but A LOT of people do, and you don't populate a server by making it more restrictive :D
And again I didn't tell him to leave, I simply said that if someone is going to threaten to leave if a certain style of play is not banned I would gladly show them the door.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Antares! on June 01, 2015, 19:40:09 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 19:50:28 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
lYes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

did you just tell me to Stay out of CoD lol? : )

No read again. Ive never seen you in COD4 ever.
If you did play cod you would not think its good game play to camp, especially in ffa and tdm, thats were you DONT want lame campers ruining it for everyone.

I believe I did play COD4 once or twice..... On a serious not I don't comment on things I know nothing about, and COD..... I know a thing or two......

The thing is just that nrns is chasing players away, ask anyone that play cod4 regularly and they will tell you ive been playing for ages with them. Like yesterday I saw a guy that ive never seen before play in eu2 and then after a while he also got pissed at the nrns members that were camping and he left, just before that i went onto spectator because I couldnt take the relentless camping any more from certain players.
You can respawn 10 times and those campers will still be sitting at the same spot.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 19:54:07 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

The Stay away from COD was Directed at Pappa and it was meant as a joke hence the :) ^.^

Im not telling people to play in any way, on the contrary I'm arguing you should play however you like , you are the one arguing against a style of play, im simply trying to state that it has merit, Mind you I don't like camping either but A LOT of people do, and you don't populate a server by making it more restrictive :D
And again I didn't tell him to leave, I simply said that if someone is going to threaten to leave if a certain style of play is not banned I would gladly show them the door.

Its liek you are missing the point, 2 people love camping, most cod players hate campers, the people are always moaning about how the cod servers are empty but when new people come to play in the nrns cod4 servers and leave after they have gotten fed up with the campers then how will they ever get the servers alive and keep it that way? You go to any other dcent server thats not nrns and they all are packed and they ALL have a no camping rule, some even take your weapon away if you stay on one spot for more than say 1 minute.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 20:08:23 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

The Stay away from COD was Directed at Pappa and it was meant as a joke hence the :) ^.^

Im not telling people to play in any way, on the contrary I'm arguing you should play however you like , you are the one arguing against a style of play, im simply trying to state that it has merit, Mind you I don't like camping either but A LOT of people do, and you don't populate a server by making it more restrictive :D
And again I didn't tell him to leave, I simply said that if someone is going to threaten to leave if a certain style of play is not banned I would gladly show them the door.

Its liek you are missing the point, 2 people love camping, most cod players hate campers, the people are always moaning about how the cod servers are empty but when new people come to play in the nrns cod4 servers and leave after they have gotten fed up with the campers then how will they ever get the servers alive and keep it that way? You go to any other dcent server thats not nrns and they all are packed and they ALL have a no camping rule, some even take your weapon away if you stay on one spot for more than say 1 minute.

No I get what you are saying, in my experience I just believe you are wrong, if you look at COD in general Camping is more widespread than in any FPS out there , even CS....
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Vendetta on June 01, 2015, 20:10:55 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

The Stay away from COD was Directed at Pappa and it was meant as a joke hence the :) ^.^

Im not telling people to play in any way, on the contrary I'm arguing you should play however you like , you are the one arguing against a style of play, im simply trying to state that it has merit, Mind you I don't like camping either but A LOT of people do, and you don't populate a server by making it more restrictive :D
And again I didn't tell him to leave, I simply said that if someone is going to threaten to leave if a certain style of play is not banned I would gladly show them the door.

Its liek you are missing the point, 2 people love camping, most cod players hate campers, the people are always moaning about how the cod servers are empty but when new people come to play in the nrns cod4 servers and leave after they have gotten fed up with the campers then how will they ever get the servers alive and keep it that way? You go to any other dcent server thats not nrns and they all are packed and they ALL have a no camping rule, some even take your weapon away if you stay on one spot for more than say 1 minute.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Wheys on June 01, 2015, 20:16:21 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
looks like CoD4 is going so good that u can permit to lose other players just to protect those skilless dudes which can kill no one without camping.. making the gameplay a boring garbage for everyone. And then those players who play this bad make posts wondering how come your servers are empty.
I have played the last time in the map Crash 3v3 server EU1 and the whole opposite team has ever been in the spawn house all the time.
If the other team would have done the same how much fun it could have been

Yes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

Totally man, ive played matches just like that, the one team is just camping and killing all the moving targets, oh how exciting it must be to just stay on one spot and shoot down the stupid players running around.
So much fun!!

It's not because you don't see me on COD 4 that I don't play. lol I used to play Cod long time before playing BF2 or BF3 and still playing COD. ;)
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 20:41:14 PM
Not to sound like a twat mate but... then don't .....NRNS is not a provider of content for you it is a gaming community of like minded individuals, if it isn't to your preference I am sorry, but what you gonna do such is life.....
looks like CoD4 is going so good that u can permit to lose other players just to protect those skilless dudes which can kill no one without camping.. making the gameplay a boring garbage for everyone. And then those players who play this bad make posts wondering how come your servers are empty.
I have played the last time in the map Crash 3v3 server EU1 and the whole opposite team has ever been in the spawn house all the time.
If the other team would have done the same how much fun it could have been

Yes but now suddenly for the first time ever camping is the way to go it seems, never in my life have I heard such garbage. And its from people ive never ever seen in a cod4 server, I dont go talk smack in the bf2 or bf3 posts coz I dont play battlefield.

Totally man, ive played matches just like that, the one team is just camping and killing all the moving targets, oh how exciting it must be to just stay on one spot and shoot down the stupid players running around.
So much fun!!

It's not because you don't see me on COD 4 that I don't play. lol I used to play Cod long time before playing BF2 or BF3 and still playing COD. ;)

Yes all good, I just feel that because this about players in cod4 that it would be of more use if cod4 admins and regulars gave their opinion about the subject matter.

We can all argue but in the end it wont do much if the cod4 admins dont chip in and give their opinion.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 01, 2015, 20:41:39 PM
i was just saying my opinion about camping in the server dont take all as personal attack to u.. and i have no idea about how u got the conclusion that i'm telling to u stay away from cod4 lol.
No sarcasm.. telling to ppl play this way or go away it's not a smart way to get new players. U should listen what they have to say and discuss about it, not censoring and taking everything as offensive

The Stay away from COD was Directed at Pappa and it was meant as a joke hence the :) ^.^

Im not telling people to play in any way, on the contrary I'm arguing you should play however you like , you are the one arguing against a style of play, im simply trying to state that it has merit, Mind you I don't like camping either but A LOT of people do, and you don't populate a server by making it more restrictive :D
And again I didn't tell him to leave, I simply said that if someone is going to threaten to leave if a certain style of play is not banned I would gladly show them the door.

Its liek you are missing the point, 2 people love camping, most cod players hate campers, the people are always moaning about how the cod servers are empty but when new people come to play in the nrns cod4 servers and leave after they have gotten fed up with the campers then how will they ever get the servers alive and keep it that way? You go to any other dcent server thats not nrns and they all are packed and they ALL have a no camping rule, some even take your weapon away if you stay on one spot for more than say 1 minute.


Ag dankie skattebol XD
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]dthebig on June 01, 2015, 20:51:47 PM
All I can say is we as NRNS members should have one goal: raise the population of our servers. Full stop.
No personal scores should matter. We want other players to play on our servers so we should make playing here enjoyable for them not for us. I hope everybody here understands this and takes it to heart! This is our one and only goal for now.
There is no point in argueing about whether camping is widespread throughout CoD4 or not or if we should make a rule about it. The rules are fine. If the server is full and one guy is camping, nobody bothers. But if there are only two people in a Team, I fully understand that this is annoying and therefore we should not do this at all.

Let's end this discussion here please, we are heading nowhere.
I hope everybody takes this to heart and we can have the most enjoyable servers again soon!
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]BLUE on June 02, 2015, 00:35:19 AM
Pappa and moose i understand what your feeling here and i get what you talking is for the better of NRNS.
we are very few regulars and members left who play COD4. we are trying our best to populate the servers and i'm happy that you guys are being part of it in helping us.
but mate you look at the situation in the game, when server is getting with few players for suppose 5v5 if its a smaller map, like killhouse, its a straight map you get killed more and you kill more , its in favor for both the teams. like dennis mentions, dont play for the score, play for have fun.even if i get killed and killed i play mate.
some times i chang my game play, if i feel i'm doing good i switch weapon to pistol or use only knife,
I used to camp long ago mate but now i don't, i move around all over the map :D
but only bothers me is players say to each other stop camping, stop doing this,so much nade, stuns etc. . .
well i dont use them but you are free to use them in our server cuz we don't have any rules for them.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 02, 2015, 10:17:16 AM
The post might seem harsh but at least it got people talking, maybe people will just try to play a bit different when they know how some feel about certain playing styles.
I might even start to play with the camping style lol no just joking but Its better to speak a persons mind and then people get to talk and argue and then I get to hear others view point and get an understanding as to why they feel the way they do about the subject and vice versa.

No hard feelings, no hate intended, just wanted to get it out there.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 02, 2015, 18:32:41 PM
All I can say is we as NRNS members should have one goal: raise the population of our servers. Full stop.
No personal scores should matter. We want other players to play on our servers so we should make playing here enjoyable for them not for us. I hope everybody here understands this and takes it to heart! This is our one and only goal for now.
There is no point in argueing about whether camping is widespread throughout CoD4 or not or if we should make a rule about it. The rules are fine. If the server is full and one guy is camping, nobody bothers. But if there are only two people in a Team, I fully understand that this is annoying and therefore we should not do this at all.

Let's end this discussion here please, we are heading nowhere.
I hope everybody takes this to heart and we can have the most enjoyable servers again soon!

nailed it.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: Electrokaunista. on June 03, 2015, 01:14:33 AM
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 07:29:24 AM
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Reaper on June 03, 2015, 12:00:23 PM
i never played with a nrns camper lol

 ::) ::)  lol  :P :P :P

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 12:07:49 PM
i never played with a nrns camper lol

 ::) ::)  lol  :P :P :P

 :-X 8) :o ;D :D

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 13:44:22 PM
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 13:52:09 PM

so much for not mentioning any names huh? I find what you are posting even more annoying than camping with very little ppl in. In my opinion what dennis said should end this topic yesterday
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 13:57:58 PM

so much for not mentioning any names huh? I find what you are posting even more annoying than camping with very little ppl in. In my opinion what dennis said should end this topic yesterday

oh its just a little joke. you cant be so serious in life, just ask the rest of the people on here, they will tell you!
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 14:02:51 PM
then you wouldn"t mind me making a clip about your gameplay I suppose
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 14:18:31 PM
no sir i would do that if you want, but i dont use any fun tents so it would be rather boring.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 14:29:03 PM
no sir i would do that if you want, but i dont use any fun tents so it would be rather boring.

Boring pretty much describes it ;)
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 14:32:54 PM
no sir i would do that if you want, but i dont use any fun tents so it would be rather boring.

Boring pretty much describes it ;)

exactly :P :D :D
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 15:02:03 PM
then you wouldn"t mind me making a clip about your gameplay I suppose

Ive just been so ill now and need a laugh, you must excuse me but i am still feeling ill so I cant really think straight.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 15:17:18 PM
then you wouldn"t mind me making a clip about your gameplay I suppose

Ive just been so ill now and need a laugh, you must excuse me but i am still feeling ill so I cant really think straight.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 15:50:35 PM
then you wouldn"t mind me making a clip about your gameplay I suppose

Ive just been so ill now and need a laugh, you must excuse me but i am still feeling ill so I cant really think straight.


The funny vid is now private  :-X
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 18:12:17 PM
cool bro.

It's pretty simple  in my opinion. I personbally hate camping, but it's not like everyone will just be like : ok lisek hates it so we will stop doing it.

There are so many ways to have fun. I would understand your comments if you were a new player to nrns servers. But you are not, and you know better.

With the struggle right now it's working both ways. You don't like camping so you make a post, some other player is camping and don't like your comments. One way or another server could eventually loose one of you right?

But knowing you are a guy who used to play on nrns on regular basis: they camp ok. It's annoying ( I will always agree on this ) You could expect more from them. True
But....these guys spend so much of their free time for servers sake that if they'll camp here or there...well If i'd play for 6h on server that is almost empty I'll do some weird shit aswell I bet.

So is camping annoying? yeah for me and you it is, doesn't mean it is for some other ppl out there ( and you know I'm right, otherwise this whole topic has no sense at all )

For such an experienced player I bet you can  find a million different ways to enjoy the servers. May it be sniping, deagling, knifing, bouncing or w/e you enjoy.

What we are currently seeing is a spin off of  cod4 in NRNS. No reason to ruin it now with beef between camping/ non camping ppl.
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 18:26:07 PM
cool bro.

It's pretty simple  in my opinion. I personbally hate camping, but it's not like everyone will just be like : ok lisek hates it so we will stop doing it.

There are so many ways to have fun. I would understand your comments if you were a new player to nrns servers. But you are not, and you know better.

With the struggle right now it's working both ways. You don't like camping so you make a post, some other player is camping and don't like your comments. One way or another server could eventually loose one of you right?

But knowing you are a guy who used to play on nrns on regular basis: they camp ok. It's annoying ( I will always agree on this ) You could expect more from them. True
But....these guys spend so much of their free time for servers sake that if they'll camp here or there...well If i'd play for 6h on server that is almost empty I'll do some weird shit aswell I bet.

So is camping annoying? yeah for me and you it is, doesn't mean it is for some other ppl out there ( and you know I'm right, otherwise this whole topic has no sense at all )

For such an experienced player I bet you can  find a million different ways to enjoy the servers. May it be sniping, deagling, knifing, bouncing or w/e you enjoy.

What we are currently seeing is a spin off of  cod4 in NRNS. No reason to ruin it now with beef between camping/ non camping ppl.

Its cool man, I understand, I was also under the impression that NRNS had a strict no camping rule lol, you know, coz its so common for other clan servers to have anti camp rules and so forth.

But its all good. If the rules alow it then its allowed and I understand that, not my server so I cant do much.

Anyway maybe some will atleast know that camping can be annoying for other players and maybe change their style up a bit if they feel like it.

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]Lisek3D on June 03, 2015, 18:28:39 PM
cool bro.

It's pretty simple  in my opinion. I personbally hate camping, but it's not like everyone will just be like : ok lisek hates it so we will stop doing it.

There are so many ways to have fun. I would understand your comments if you were a new player to nrns servers. But you are not, and you know better.

With the struggle right now it's working both ways. You don't like camping so you make a post, some other player is camping and don't like your comments. One way or another server could eventually loose one of you right?

But knowing you are a guy who used to play on nrns on regular basis: they camp ok. It's annoying ( I will always agree on this ) You could expect more from them. True
But....these guys spend so much of their free time for servers sake that if they'll camp here or there...well If i'd play for 6h on server that is almost empty I'll do some weird shit aswell I bet.

So is camping annoying? yeah for me and you it is, doesn't mean it is for some other ppl out there ( and you know I'm right, otherwise this whole topic has no sense at all )

For such an experienced player I bet you can  find a million different ways to enjoy the servers. May it be sniping, deagling, knifing, bouncing or w/e you enjoy.

What we are currently seeing is a spin off of  cod4 in NRNS. No reason to ruin it now with beef between camping/ non camping ppl.

Its cool man, I understand, I was also under the impression that NRNS had a strict no camping rule lol, you know, coz its so common for other clan servers to have anti camp rules and so forth.

But its all good. If the rules alow it then its allowed and I understand that, not my server so I cant do much.

Anyway maybe some will atleast know that camping can be annoying for other players and maybe change their style up a bit if they feel like it.


I'm pretty sure they already taken your point into consideration lol.

It was a valid post up to some point. Digging in 2 deep never helps bro ;)
Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: PappaWheely on June 03, 2015, 18:40:34 PM
Yes haha i suppose so hey!

Title: Re: Hard camping, camping with tents and gas stoves.
Post by: [NRNS]dthebig on June 03, 2015, 18:44:38 PM
Okay, I think we all shared our opinions now. There can't be a clear solution of this topic, someone would not be 100% happy with it anyway. I will lock this topic now before we have to go over this again lol.

Final sentence: There are people who don't enjoy camping and we as NRNS should make playing on our servers as enjoyable as possible so we should sometimes think if we are doing the right thing to hold the population up as this is our main goal.