[NRNS] Gaming Community
Help and Support => Unban Requests from NRNS Servers => Topic started by: TikiKat on June 13, 2014, 06:22:46 AM
Good day,
My ingame name: TikiKat
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests): 453efadc1b62d8920fdac8f75cd03ea4
The game i played: Battlefield 2
The server i played on: BF2:**NRNS*CITY*MAPS**
The date i was banned: June 13 2014
Reason i was banned/kicked: Other
Comment on this matter: I was Commanding USMC on Sharqi penninsula....
And I put Arty on the MEC Heli-pad. The MEC ARTY on that map is outside the RED CIRCLE....
It looked to me like the Heli-pad was outside the RED CIRCLE as WELL....I guess someone did not agree. If you see fit to unban me, please send me an email confirming that
the Heli-pad on Sharqi Penninsula is indeed INSIDE the RED CIRCLE....I will not put ARTY on it again.....THANK YOU...
Any help much appriciated on my Request
If you are Commander in Sharqi Peeninsula, and you are in MAP MODE.....If you zoom in
on the HELICOPTER PAD, where there is still a RED CIRCLE you will see that that the
PAD is outside the RED CIRCLE.....When you are zoomed out.....the is no HELIPAD visible....
That is why I thought it was outside the Red Circle. If Admin will tell me I AM WRONG
then I promise not to viol;ate thatr rule or any other NRNS rule ever again.....THANK YOU......TikiKat
We will get back to you with a answers at you quist about that.
Have now a answers for you at you quistern " in "Mashtuur city": helipad US/MEC are not in safebase"
About you unban:
You be unban for last time and that mean you may follow aur rules, talk probber way in gamechat and we will be glad to see you in ventrillo when you play so you and we can cats eight other if there is trubble or quistern about enything.