[NRNS] Gaming Community

Help and Support => Unban Requests from NRNS Servers => Topic started by: HawkEdits on June 04, 2014, 17:24:32 PM

Title: Unban Request
Post by: HawkEdits on June 04, 2014, 17:24:32 PM
Good day,

My ingame name: HawkEdits
My public ip when i was playing:
My hashkey (only for the BF2 requests):
The game i played: Call of Duty MW3
The server i played on: MW3: NRNS #2
The date i was banned: 4/06/2014
Reason i was banned/kicked: Cheating/hacking

Comment on this matter: NRNS StuBaru banned me for wh, or never have hack on mw3.
I play only on your server, so i would like to be unbanned .
Thanks, and good day.


Any help much appriciated on my Request
Title: Re: Unban Request
Post by: [NRNS]Baru67 on June 04, 2014, 20:21:56 PM
under review, be back in touch soon.
Title: Re: Unban Request
Post by: [NRNS]Baru67 on June 04, 2014, 22:39:44 PM
Ok Unbanned, remember to play fair and have fun..