[NRNS] Gaming Community
General Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: [NRNS]Vlax on March 11, 2018, 22:54:08 PM
I take bf3 from torrent zloemu and download, but when I go to install I got data corrupted and cant install and I try difrent game I get same thing.... Any one now how to fix this
Are you following all the steps in the ZLO BF3 install guide? (https://zlogames.ru/index.php?/topic/9247/)
The ZLO FAQ (https://zloemu.tk/faq?id=1) says:
Game files are corrupted, repair through origin...
Either your DLCs are missing or you aren't using a clean (without any cracks) install.
Only use a clean Origin-install or our official download HERE (http://zlotracker.org/27289) and install.
I install the game but cant install dlc from zloemu torrent..
Game install and run good...
You can install the DLC with ZLOrigin.
4.2.2. Download Battlefield 3 and then all the add-ons that are available for download in the tabs "EXTENSIONS" and "ADDITIONS AND BONUSES"!