
Author Topic: Admin abuse and homophobia.  (Read 955 times)

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Admin abuse and homophobia.
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:19:50 AM »
Being a long time Call of Duty 4 player, I've played in countless servers.
It's only until recently that I started playing in the Call of Duty 4 NRNS server.
Within the past couple of days, I've witnessed numerous NRNS members harassing people who play in the server.
I've witnessed several racial and homophobic slurs being thrown around, but I have not seen one person kicked or banned, up until today, that person was myself, for having "gay" in my name.

I was told to change my name because it is abusive language, however "gay", in itself is not abusive, especially when it isn't being directed to anyone, but rather to identify myself. The admin, who I assume is private toilet, demanded me to change my name, to which I disagreed. He told me that I was a faking my sexuality, which is a very childish assumption. Then when I challenged his comments, he instantly kicked me from the server, my friend included for defending me.

So let me get this straight, people can call each other bitches, FAGGOTS ( lol an actual abusive form of the word ), jump shot, and break every other rule, and they get away with it, but when an actual gay person has gay in their name, they get kicked for it? This is the ONLY server that I've experienced this in, and I feel like everything is being poorly handled. NRNS community members threaten to get their "admin" friends to ban visitors, and frequently attack visitors frequently.

Please consider a reform in your administrators for your servers.
I am not attacking or trolling your community, I am simply giving feedback on my experiences.

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Re: Admin abuse and homophobia.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 02:33:05 AM »
Hi there,
I temp banned you from our servers, It was not permanent.
You got a friendly, "please change your name", when you asked why, we pointed you to rule #7, you still went on about something else. So I warned you 3 times, and at the 3rd one you got kicked of the server, that was not instantaneous. Your friend, in the other hand, got an instant ban for insulting me, and he can apply for an unban in this website.

I never suggested/assumed/cared about your sexuality. That is your own private issue. I pointed out that your name did not comply with the server rules.

And you got it wrong, the server will warn you automatically if you use abusive language, and if an admin is present, they will warn/kick/ban you for it if you deserve it. I know, we have done this before.

You are welcome to play in our servers and even join our ventrilo channel to chat with us in game. but you will need to change your name to one that is not offensive to anyone.

Feel free to ask any other issues you may have, via here or PM if you want.



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Re: Admin abuse and homophobia.
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 03:22:21 AM »
Hi there, this is Ducckk. I hope that my ban doesn't make you judge this post before you read it.

We challenged your request to change his name because we though it was wrongly issued, not because we were looking for a fight. You say we "went on about something else" but we didn't, we stayed put with the topic on hand and continued to discuss what was wrong about Furry's name.

The problem that we have is not the length of the ban (for either of us), it was why he was banned. I respect your rules and agree with them. They are well thought out, so if someone has a burst of anger and cusses, they aren't instantly banned for life, I like that. The rule that was cited over and over again was a rule against offensive language, but no offensive language was said (on Furry's part, we'll get to what I said in a moment). The word "gay" is not offensive in nature, it's a sexual orientation. People use it as an insult but that doesn't mean that whenever someone says the word "gay" that it was an insult. Furry is gay. That's not an insult, it's a fact. He has the word "gay" in his name because it describes him, not because he dislikes gay people.

I called you a bigot. I said that because in my mind the only plausible reason for Furry's ban was because gay people were not accepted on that server, since the way he used the word "gay" represented his sexual orientation, and not an insult. I apologize if I was wrong, but the facts weighed in favor of bigotry.

We don't have anything against the administration of the server and were not trolling, so I hope these posts are not read as such.

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Re: Admin abuse and homophobia.
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 05:28:09 AM »
No offense taken,
Understand that it is very hard to get from the 2 words in your name at what you are referring to. I don't know you (yet).
We don't care what your sexual inclinations are (or your religion, skin colour, height, etc) all we care for is to have a place to play where we don't have to worry about any of that. We do our best to provide it. You'll find people with all sort of comments on their names. If you wish to state something personal in your name its totally up to you, as long as it cannot be considered offensive by anyone.
If I allowed your name in the server, it is going to instigate all sort of comments from other players, including other players changing their names to get back at your name. We have been there before, and I will try my best to avoid that happening again.

I understand that you were upset and called me whatever you like in that state, my reply will always be the same: I'll ban you off the server, you calm down and we can discussed it here in the forum like civilized people. You probably agree that it is exactly what its happening now.
So now you know why I banned you permanently (talking to Ducckk) so we could have this conversation in peace and gloves off. Your friend furry was only temp banned as discussed above.
And again, your friend Furry was temp banned for "bad or offensive name" and you got permanent banned for "disrespect".
I will lift your ban now so you can go back to play in our servers, hopefully you understand our point of view now.


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Re: Admin abuse and homophobia.
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2014, 12:24:14 PM »
I'm glad to see how neatly this got sorted out, though I'm wondering why you would call yourself "gay furry"
I mean, you obviously are one, which is cute, but why don't you name yourself after your fursona, or your favourite animal (like me)?

Don't you agree that gay furry is a bit too general and non-personal for a name? To me it sounds more like a category than like a name...
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