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Topics - christianv07

Pages: 1
Hi everyone :D

My brother and I haven't being playing COD4 for about 5 years but we recently decided to play it again and we have been very active in NRNS #2 US MIXED server. Our usernames are:

christianv07 (me)

We were members of The Slaughter House [TSH] back in our days of glory, but because of lack of donations the owner had to take the server down. We currently play 90% of the time in NRSN #2 US MIXED server because of the balance between good maps/game modes and experienced players for friendly competitive matches, to the point we feel comfortable enough to call it our "home" server... but there are a couple of things we think should be changed in order for a better overall gaming experience:

1 - Not allowing RPGs, Martyr Dom and Grenade Launcher.
2 - No more Headquaters.

To be honest Headquarters game mode is not well balanced. If A team is the one to be getting killed quickly by Team B, Team A normally spawns either right on top of the objective or close to it: making it really hard for the attacker team to get the points, or any at all if they are able to get more than 0 score points.

Yeah, TSH had #1 rule and it was a really good, from our experience.. We think it is enough with being able to throw a grenade and kill someone randomly almost across the map when the match just started in game modes like Search and Destroy. If any of you guys think this change is not needed, at least let's try it out and see what people think.

I am aware of the EU TDM server from NRNS with the #1 rule I mentioned above, but for american players with 3rd world internet speed connection: playing with a 150-200 ping is really hard to enjoy.

I thought it would be better to keep track about this by using a Strawpool, so here is the link to it:


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Online Gaming