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Topics - Savage69

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Hash Tags
« on: July 07, 2018, 21:36:44 PM »
A few year back I was trying to get some help troubleshooting when I was asked what my hashtag was. They told me how to find it, but I have since forgotten the process.  Any help would be appreciated.

I'm also disputing a PunkBuster ban for using an Aimbot....   [With my K/D ratio, are you kidding.]   While trying to research the ban I went to PBBans.com, I used a 32 digit number which I had saved as my hashtag from years before, (probably not the same computer) . It was that number I entered as my GUID number and was banned for. It somehow duplicated with another GUID number that was using Aimbot.  It's a mess I'm trying to straighten out .

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