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Topics - [NRNS]oldman1960

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10
Wall of Fame or Shame / oldman has fun driving
« on: July 16, 2014, 20:55:07 PM »

I drive all around in that view.

Wall of Fame or Shame / I get a full chopper and a promotion
« on: July 10, 2014, 17:41:09 PM »

I get a promotion after the shot on the chopper.

I can not get the second chopper,I just miss a few times and run out of rockets.


Well here it is...


I just want new public players see that a not so full server is still a lot of fun! 8)

It was just us two for most of the movie.

I get Dr E with my pistol and is was a head shot.

It is 20 min so grab a drink.... be careful not spill it on yourself if you start  to lol!

I knife the doc in the later part of this video!

Wall of Fame or Shame / Not so fast Machete tisk tisk
« on: June 26, 2014, 20:05:37 PM »

I see our chopper taking off and notice that it is not my team member so I shoot it down!

Just like tinkerbell tells the lost boy's!  (shoot it down is what tink said to do?)   :P

In Disney's Peter Pan.

My younger son still loves the Disney movies,he has Autism and is almost 21 years old.

When I quote a Disney line from a movie,I say I am Disney fried! ::)

Here is a video you may remember... your first day back


I get them and they get me,I use a rocket they use?

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Online Gaming