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Topics - Lucas

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Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare / Glitching debate.
« on: August 24, 2014, 05:28:58 AM »
First off, this is not a heated or threatened post. I am just here to voice an opinion and see what the [NRNS] group believes. I am NOT attacking NRNS in any way.

Today I was called out for glitching when playing on your US mixed server. It was by Helo D who I later figured out is not an admin, not that that makes him any less reliable. I still would like to question his warnings. I know this seems a little ridiculous and a little geeky, but I downloaded a overview of the map and used paint to help describe my point.

Today I was called out for glitching when I was in the roofs circled in blue. I was called out by a guest, which turned into an onslaught of about 4 or 5 other people - helo d included - saying relentlessly that I was glitching. I couldn't help myself from snapping back and saying I wasn't in a glitch, trying to explain exactly why it wasn't but it wasn't received well. I was just told to shut up and leave it alone, no matter how respectfully I was trying to handle it. That's why I'm here, to explain why I think that ISN'T a glitch, it was intended in my map design by infinity ward.

I would like to give my definition of "glitch" in reference to a video game. A glitch is when a player does something that wasn't intended by the developers - wether that be map glitches, movement glitches, skips, ect. It's a broad definition, but decently captures what I think a gltich truly is.

Now to my point. What I was in was not in a glitch, the game developers intended for players to be able to gain access to those areas, albiet its not apparent, but its there. The red arrows surrounding the blue area are all access points to the roof. Each of those are mantels (climb ups) to the areas above, something that must be programmed into the map previously. In the black circled area, the same thing is shown. An area of difficult access but still the ability to go in and out. The yellow circle is the location of a LADDER that was put into the map for those who fall in that pit, proving they knew people would go there. If they didn't want people there, they would simply put a invisible barrier like they did to the multiple glitches found in previous patches.

There is a gray area to all this though. The white question marks are places of access that aren't accessible without a tricky jump, making me think its a glitch. The one on the right being the most popular.

So my question to NRNS is what do you think? Is this a previous "no-no" area ruled by admins? If so I'll back off. It just seems a little harsh seeming as the map devs programmed the areas into the map.

I don't usually get worked up over something as silly as this, but in the circumstance it felt appropriate because I believe myself to be doing no harm. I run my own servers as well. I know what a pain it is to be an admin, but I was doing something that I believe to be OK.


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