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Messages - [NRNS]SirGuySW

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Battlefield 2 / Re: £41 to revive the BF2 city maps server
« on: April 16, 2019, 13:51:51 PM »
I did some additional testing (side by side: hidden/new/bot) and wasn't able to see any difference in the gun mods. Though I did notice that the kit unlocks weren't unlocked on the new server. Is that what you meant? I still don't know what file(s) are responsible for kit unlocks but have managed to get those unlocked by copying every non-config file from the bot/hidden server to the new server (so the weapon, vehicle, and player mods as well as the maps on the new server should be identical to those on the hidden or bot servers).

I think that gets me caught up with the requests here. If not please remind me and provide further information. :) I'm going to try to be on Discord more often but I do check Discord and this forum frequently (and get emails to my phone when offline).

Battlefield 2 / Re: £41 to revive the BF2 city maps server
« on: April 11, 2019, 04:40:56 AM »
I thought I transferred all the mods from the hidden server but I may have missed something. Afaik:

  • The new server is running the same maps as the hidden server (the maps are modded, flags moved, etc).
  • The new server should have the same weapon mods as the hidden server (if not can you please point out a kit with a glaring difference that I can use while testing?).
  • Each server (3 of them: Bot, hidden, new) are set up with their own set of ports. None should conflict. I don't know the ports offhand but the connection port should be listed when connecting to the server from the server list (if the hidden server's join port is 16567 the new server's join port is probably 16467).
  • The IP address points to the server box which is the US box and will be the same for all servers we host on it ( The IP address determines which physical machine we're communicating with and the port determines which game server on the machine we're connecting to.
  • The hidden server is still hidden. I don't know why, I was unable to fix it. I consider it to be deprecated and only running so we can make sure to get the new server set up like the old one was set up (mods, etc). If we want another BF2 server (and if council approves) we can set up another one from scratch and just delete the hidden server when we're sure we've copied all wanted mods from it..

I'll recheck all this tomorrow after a meeting (I'm approaching 48 hours uptime and my brain atm is mush). If you know of a mod on one of the servers that you would like copied to the new server please let me know which mod and which server it is currently active on and I'll do my best to copy it over.

Edit: Sorry, didn't get to it today, consult ran a lot longer than anticipated. Have added to my to-do list but there are now a few things higher on the list. If anyone knows answers to or has ideas about the above points please share as they could help point me in the right direction.

Battlefield 2 / Re: £41 to revive the BF2 city maps server
« on: April 04, 2019, 12:01:33 PM »
Well... it's woking now. ... sort of.

After lots of debugging and finding out that the query port is not actually being blocked, I figured trying a fresh install was more than called for... the new server worked flawlessly more or less out of the box. :P I copied the relevant settings I could find from the hidden server. There is now almost no difference between the query replies of the new server and the hidden one, the settings are more or less the same, just different ports. I'm not sure what was wrong with the hidden one but maybe it was using a port that BF2Hub has banned or something.  ::)

The hidden server is still running so oldman can retrieve any settings I missed. Please let me know if/when it's no longer needed so I can switch it off. Also please let me know if there's anything else needed to get the server working as desired.

Battlefield 2 / Re: £41 to revive the BF2 city maps server
« on: April 03, 2019, 23:23:36 PM »
My offer to swap the port numbers still stands (which server you want listed is something the BF2 leadership needs to decide and let us know). Of course, ideally they would both be listed but I'm not familiar with how the server was setup and why the port(s) is being blocked. Nothing I tried worked other than Dr. Evil's idea of swapping the port numbers. I finished a massive work project last night so I'll have some free time to try some more ... extreme ideas, or try contacting the people who set up the server and might know how to allow the port.

Technical Support - Discord / Re: discord empty?
« on: March 13, 2019, 19:53:47 PM »
So you couldn't hear at all?  Make sure your speakers aren't muted (within Discord). There's a headphone icon in the bottom left corner. If it has a red line through it you wont be able to receive audio. You can also make sure your output device is set correctly or just do a few text to speech messages (for example in the bot commands channel EDIT: this is disabled on the NRNS Discord (for good reason i guess) but you can test in a temporary custom server) to verify that Discord is actually making noise.

Technical Support - Discord / Re: discord empty?
« on: March 13, 2019, 18:07:54 PM »
If it's just low volume you can try increasing the volume for just Discord (using your system volume options -> Volume Control/Mixer -> Raise the dial/bar for Discord (Discord might not be in the list unless it's actively making noise)). Discord also has some audio settings in the settings page.

I don't have much experience with Discord voice chat but it's very widely used so there's bound to be a way to fix whatever issue you're having.

Technical Support - Discord / Re: discord empty?
« on: March 13, 2019, 15:20:15 PM »
why have i sat there for hours without someone speaking to me? and does no one bother to join to chat anymore? nrns never used to leave players for days
Probably because you didn't speak to anyone or post anything? The climate on Discord is slightly different from that of Teamspeak or Ventrilio. While users connected to the NRNS server via those platforms were assumed to be actively engaged in NRNS activities, users on NRNS Discord might be (and now-days, without the EU server, are almost certainty) doing something completely unrelated to NRNS. It's expected that if someone wants to chat they'll write something. Maybe that's not very NRNS, but that's the way it is on Discord in-general. Spamming (and yes it is viewed as spamming to a lot of people on Discord) random unknown people by talking directly to them (ie: pinging) while they're doing other things will cause a lot of them to leave.

If you're talking about the voice chat rooms, the above doesn't apply so much but you're still going to run into the following issues:
  • Until you introduce yourself or let people get to know you you're just a stranger.
  • The voice rooms are pushed to the bottom of the channel list, reducing visibility. If you don't make a post that you're in a voice room wanting to chat with anyone it's likely people won't notice, or won't know that you want them to join.
  • Some people just don't like to voice chat...Reasons could be:
    • They don't think they speak the same language as you or are uncomfortable speaking the language you use (or assume you speak English and are not comfortable with English).
    • They don't want to be distracted by voice chat or by any invasive (ie non-passive) chat mode.
    • They don't have a working mic setup.
    • They just plain don't like using their voice to communicate.

Not everyone on the NRNS Discord is there to chat. Some are just there for info, announcements, or because they liked NRNS and wanted to bookmark us or w/e. The people who post messages are the ones who end up chatting.

For example: I have 30 servers connected to my Discord account. I'm active in maybe 4-5 of them. The rest I completely ignore unless I need some information from them or get pinged. If I get pinged too often with posts that are not relevant to me I leave the server.

As far as 'the people who know you would have known your new username'... Take a look at the chat history. How many of the active posters do you recognize and you remember chatting with in the past? How many of them would you expect to recognize you (by either stu75 or [NRNS]MOVIN)? How many would you expect would be able to pick you out of a list of 50 other 'online' but silent users? It's up to you what name you use on Discord but I always strongly recommend using the name you're published by (ie your actual username on forums), rather than a name that requires some inside knowledge or history to map back to who you are.

Technical Support - Discord / Re: discord empty?
« on: March 12, 2019, 23:47:39 PM »
Are you stu75#6230? If so you're in the right server but i'm not sure what you mean about no one there and no messages. We currently have 25 users online and you should be able to see the entire server chat history above your message. Here is a screenshot of the NRNS Discord server: https://i.imgur.com/7mpYyqe.png

If that's not you, make sure you click the correct join link for NRNS (ie: https://discord.gg/vrWJTAV).

Technical Support - Discord / Re: discord empty?
« on: March 11, 2019, 15:49:15 PM »
Have you joined the NRNS Discord server? We have people in the server constantly.

I copied some stuff out of the members 'Connect to Discord' topic and pasted here for people who aren't in the forum Member group: How to join NRNS Discord server.

Technical Support - Discord / How to join NRNS Discord server
« on: March 11, 2019, 15:44:45 PM »
NRNS members should see this topic for more information: Getting your tags on Discord

To join the NRNS Discord server click an NRNS Discord invite link, accept the invite, and create an account if you don't have one already. Screenshots here. If you are an NRNS member you will need to let us know your Discord name so we can add you as a member.

What is Discord?
  • Discord is a chat platform like Teamspeak and Ventrilo with heavy emphasis on text-based group chat. Discord advertises itself as being an "All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone." Discord can also be used without running a separate client by using it directly in a web browser.

Creating a Discord account.
  • It's important that you create an actual Discord account (for example by registering  or by verifying your existing temporary account by email). Every time you connect to Discord and enter a display name Discord creates a new temporary account for you. These temporary accounts are not automatically assigned to the member group (they're also not actually temporary since they stick around forever, even if you only use them once).

How to find your Discord name.
  • Your Discord name is displayed at the bottom left of the discord window (the 4-digit number is a part of the Discord name that can uniquely identify users who use the same name). If you cannot see your full name or do not know what to copy just go to your 'My Account' or 'Profile' screen and copy the 'USERNAME' field. Screenshots here.

You can change your name on Discord.
  • This will affect your name in all Discord servers.
    (click to show/hide)

You can change your display name for each server.
  • This will only affect your display name in the Discord server you set it for. The NRNS Discord server prevents public users from changing their display name (but you can request a name change from a Discord admin).

Server News / Re: new bf2 server
« on: March 10, 2019, 10:26:31 AM »
I think the issues are fixed and the server should now behave. Yay! Some of the settings might need tweaking (I borrowed basic settings from the bot server, so things like respawn time, ticket ratio, etc might need tweaking). Please feel free to ping me on Discord if I can be helpful.

I still plan to look into why the server isn't showing up in the server browser.

Server News / Re: new bf2 server
« on: March 10, 2019, 06:12:50 AM »
I tried to fix the respawn issue yesterday but none of the settings I set were being saved (they reset with an error message after a server restart so I'm thinking maybe that's how they got wonky in the first place--defaulting to lowest possible values or something). I'm not sure how the server is configured or what will nuke it so I'm cautious about pushing random buttons. xD Hopefully Dr. Evil can fix it but in the meantime if anyone has BF2 server experience and an idea of what to try I'm all ears. I plan to resetup my local BF2 test server to reacquaint myself with the config files and settings tomorrow.

As a BTW: If you want to change your spawn point you can always do so while alive. You can also manually disable your spawn point (open spawn screen, click an empty area, click done) while alive, then when you die the game will pop up the spawn screen and not spawn you until you choose a spawn location.

Battlefield 2 / Re: £41 to revive the BF2 city maps server
« on: February 19, 2019, 23:08:20 PM »
Remember that we purchase server boxes (on which we can host many game servers). I don't know if the $41 server for BF2 would be different but on the US box we're currently hosting (at least) the BF2 bot server and 2 CoD 4 servers (https://www.gametracker.com/search/?query=us.server.nrns-games.com). It wont cost us any more or less to remove those games from the server box or add others (up to what the server box can handle).

Anyone remember when we hosted BF2 on the US Box? We had the #1, 2, and 5 or something BF2 servers for 1.0. That was several years ago so the neighborhood might have changed but it might not be a bad thing to try BF2 on the US Box again. It also might be a way to test the waters, see what the interest is in BF2 and give some time to prove that we can handle the added cost, before purchasing another server box.

Battlefield 2 / Re: BOT server down.
« on: February 06, 2019, 20:08:20 PM »
Back up again. :)

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