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Messages - Vendetta

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Battlefield 3 / Re: need some help guys
« on: May 24, 2015, 08:50:46 AM »
Try and connect with the LauncherClient.Exe, It works for me but I get issues with ZloLauncher.exe....
P.S Love me my 30 ping in EU ^.^

Meanwhile In grown up world we play all the games we enjoy ^.^ :P

Just avoid Surveys and spams of porn etc and u will be healthy 

You would be baffled how many legitimate websites can attract viruses mate.
Thnx for your feedback guys ill try em out

I didn't like this game though i am Cod and bf lover . They just ruin the franchise 

Well ok, the franchise has been stagnant for almost 10 years now, ever since COD4, the only game that featured any real game play changes is CODAW, besides nothing ground breaking ever happens in COD for them to "Ruin" it , If anything they tanked the franchise , but I am getting off topic. I can appreciate a "I don't like the new COD" and that's fine by me its a subjective opinion and its of course your right as a consumer not to like it.

CoD is for all the hate It's getting still the largest most selling interactive medium in the world, and the yearly release schedule is here to make sure it stays that way.
Bare with me while I go on a bit of a motor mouth here. Games have become Mainstream, the fact that you have people like me playing them every day is further proof of that, as they are becoming more mainstream the FPS Genre is turning into the Hollywood equivalent of the Superhero movie, a quick fun action packed over the top adrenaline filled distraction you use to kill a afternoon from time to time. And lets face it FPS has been that since Halo Combat Evolved.

There has been no Innovation in the genre for a long time and It is done so for a reason "If it ain't broke...." the reason the genre is "stagnant" is because that is what the vast majority of the consumers want, regardless of what the Internet might tell you milions of people still enjoy the COD games to this day, what you hear online is either members of a very vocal minority or people who hate on COD because It's hot. The franchise has never been a trend setter, Instead COD has always followed trends, if you want to see what is trending in the video game industry(theme /setting ect) you need only look at COD, as they keep a close eye on it.

That being said there is nothing wrong with games staying the same, CoD has not really changed at all, and for all the hate it gets MW3 and Ghosts were really the only objectively "Bad" games in the Series. Perhaps you should look at yourself rather than COD when trying to see why you hated it. The game hasn't changed, you have, you have grown and matured, and with age it is only natural that your taste gets more refined, as you consume more and different kinds of products you being to form a preference , and COD obviously no longer tailors to that preference, its target group has always been the 16-22 ish(frat bro), and it is true to this day.

There are plenty of alternatives to it, Get the new Wolfenstein if you want a FPS with deeper challenging mechanics, its really a great game, the old FPS formula modernized for the new generation, a truly superb game.

At the end of the day it should just come down to "Is this fun for me" and I just don't believe that Flying around with jetpacks shooting wrist mounted grenade launchers at people for 20mins-1h isn't fun to people ^.^.

Mind you Im not a huge COD fan, I have played them all I liked some more than others, but I like to think I know a thing or two about COD and FPS games in general, You are just getting older mate, it happened to me as well. I sat down to play BF3 last night It was great for a hour or two, but 4H later I was just tierd :)

It was actually more fun than I imagined it would be

Global Gaming Chit Chat / Re: Dota 1 & Dota 2
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:52:15 AM »
I have dota2 but I drink, as soon as i remeber what my steam account is ill be right on it.

Global Gaming Chit Chat / Re: EA They Said .............
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:51:26 AM »
As i Heard EA Is Going To Shut Down More Games:

-Battlefield heroes

-NFS World

-Battlefield play4Free

-And FIFA World

Soon We Will Hear That EA Will Shut Down Battlefield Hardline lol

-Battlefield heroes has the highest ban rate in the history of online game. It's drinks and it's really old + ugly.

-NFS World has always be a solo game. Online really? lol I'm really also suprise that people are wasting their time in that game, since it's old of 5 years. Between 2010 and 2015, there's a massive change with the graphic. Just check Unity 3D for example.

-Battlefield play4Free is full of hackers. It's a real fiesta. It's a Pay to win (It's the worst thing you can do to a game, take Ghost recon online for example) and it's a really durty version of Battlefield 2.

-Fifa World, maybe this one should'nt be close so early, since he been online since 2013.. My idea is that in the new fifa who been released in the last years. EA wins more money with the last fifa ( I don't know the name of the game, because It's just don't worth it anyway, theses games drinks).

So, all 75% of theses games can be closed, because they are really useless, full of hackers and online servers are empty.


I'm going to be friends with this guy ^.^

Hey I have been clearing my PC of viruses, anyway I couldn't remove 3 and the error message I got was
"";"The file is signed with a broken digital signature, issued by: Valve Corporation., D:\Program Files (x86)\40K Space marine\Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine\spacemarine.exe";"Notification"

So I take it those are just false positives that it was smart enough not to delete?

Technical Support - Hardware/Software/Scripting / Antivirus help
« on: May 23, 2015, 07:56:56 AM »
Hey I need some decent security software for my PC, id prefer free but if there aren't any good ones ill take what you get. The PC is a beast so resources aren't a problem running win 7 x64

New NRNS Tagged Members / Re: [NRNS]OVL3R,
« on: May 23, 2015, 07:53:37 AM »
Welcome aboard mate.

The Funny Board / Re: Love NRNS Too Much?
« on: September 04, 2014, 18:19:32 PM »
Can we archive the OP's pic on the homepage please?

Global Gaming Chit Chat / WoD Cinematic Trailer
« on: August 27, 2014, 11:35:05 AM »
How sexy does this look

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