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Messages - VO|DZO|XTER

Pages: 1
Battlefield 2 / Bf2's Servers
« on: November 16, 2017, 15:29:14 PM »
Hi there guys!, long time no see. Probably most of you do not even know me, but I am an old player from NRNS servers.(2008 to be precise on 1.0 version)
I came with an idea or a request:

Thing is as you all should know Revive Network is comming down and we all have to switch to bf2Hub, wich do not implicates fowards issues but servers location...
Why I'm emphasizing this?, because there are(including me) thousands of players from southamerica that claims for at least a couple of servers located over here with general ranking.

It should be a good deal because you will have full servers and surely donations... People who live on southamerica average  >:( 250 or 300 of ping >:(, so if they see a [NRNS] Southamerican server with general rank, they will not hesitate to enter and have some fun!. Competition is also a common motivation that through their/our blood so if they/we should donate to help the server that pleaced them/us, there will be no problem  8)

Maybe you wonder why I am so sure about this or  what am I based on, and answer dates back on two servers that used to work on Revive Network a couple of mounths ago: Bf2 Revive - Southamerica 1 and 2 - (Two servers that were full during most part of the day and when came down for co$t reasons, lots of players left game)

Anyway all this was just an idea and is not my intention to disturb your always great job, I know It should not be easy to be one of the best or the best online-community and keep it during all this years. Thanks for your time guys and if you may take this into account, just let me know :), cya and sorry for my basic english lol  :P

Pages: 1





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